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This is a project I've been wanting to do for a long time, and I finally just started it today. I'm turning my handwriting into a font. I always thought it'd be handy to have, especially for lettering comics. It's been taking quite a long time, because I've really been spending a lot of time trying to make the font pleasing and legible at smaller sizes—refining stroke widths, visual weight and overall appeal. It's super-duper tedious. But with any luck, it'll result in an actual usable font.

I'm going to be releasing this initial beta version for free for anyone who pledges on this month on Patreon. It'll be all caps, but I plan to include numbers and punctuation too. (At least a glyph for every key on the keyboard. It's a pet peeve of mine when I download a font and it's missing something obvious like the asterisk.) If it ends up working well or being popular, I've also been considering doing an extended version with lower case, some international characters, and maybe a few alternate faces like bold or italic.

This is the first time I've ever done a font like this. Starting with a handwriting font is a good first project too, because they tend to be a little more forgiving. It's still been an interesting challenge and I've realized in working on it that to really do it justice I'm going to need to take it slow and pay special attention to the details. So this is just a teaser of what I've been working on. More soon!



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