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Tl;dr: I'll be taking a break from porn starting in September.

As most of you know, I've been working another freelance job lately which has been taking up the majority of my time. It's been going really well, and over the past 2 months it's been pretty clear that the company really needs the help I've been able to provide and is interested in keeping me. Even though I'm on a month-to-month contract, I pretty sure it'll be quite long term at this point.

Even before this job though, I've been thinking for a while about taking a break from porn. I've been doing it pretty much nonstop for four years now, since mid-2015. While I love doing it, I've really been yearning to work on some other projects and recharge my creativity a bit. The stability that this job offers me a really rare opportunity to still use my extra time to work on creative projects without needing to worry about making money on them. And I think I'd really be a fool not to take advantage of it.

So starting in September, I'll be taking a break from drawing porn. I'm planning to take the break until January. That'll give me a good chunk of time to try some other stuff and see how it goes. I really want to get back to practicing anatomy, trying out some new techniques and building skills, and working on some specific projects.

Where does that live this Patreon? Well, I'm going to keep using it, just not for porn.

0. I'm going to finish up this month with regular porn posts. I still have commissions to finish up from FD, and lots of other stuff in the works. So there will be a full August which you've already paid for.

1. Starting in September, I'll be posting art and development updates for the main project I want to work on, which is Nightride. I've been wanting to expand that out into more of a story or a proper book for a while now. That'll include lots of motorcycles and cyberpunk stuff.

2. I'll also be posting other random art I do, including studies, landscapes, maybe music. I do lots of stuff when I'm not just doing porn.

3. Also porn. I mean, I'm still going to doodle it every once in a while.

I'm going to leave the tiers where they are for now and I'm going to keep porn (if I do any) for the $4 tier. I'll probably start posting all the other content for the $1 tier though. That way if you'd still like to support the project, you can still do that and see where it's going.

Again, please feel free to cancel your pledge before September if you're just here for the porn. I totally understand, and I'll make it clear on Twitter and elsewhere when I start posting it again so you don't miss anything. (There's always the catch-up packs too.) If you do want to keep supporting me, well I super-duper appreciate that too!

Finally, note that I don't have the ability to change this Patreon's format from charging up front at the beginning of the month. So if you do want to cancel, make sure you do it now before the payment processes for September.

Thanks again for your support over the years and on this account! I'm not going anywhere or leaving the fandom or anything like that. Just need to do some other stuff for a while so I don't burn out and keep my creativity flowing.


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