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Hey folks, this is turning out to be a pretty unusual month, so I thought I'd give everyone a quick update.

Firstly, I've got two ongoing image sequence projects. One is a comic, the other is a sequence, both with a transformation theme. I haven't been posting these yet because I want to wait until they're finished. But it does mean that although I'm doing the same amount of art, I haven't been posting as much, especially on weeks when I do several images or pages out of these sequences. Once they're done, I may offer them for sale publicly. I'll probably dole them out on Patreon too, maybe like one page per week. I haven't really decided yet. Anyway, that's something that's in the works even if I haven't posted anything about it so far.

Secondly, I'm officially going to Anthrocon this year. Like always, I decided at pretty much the last minute. But I was able to make arrangements and get everything set up, so I'll be there! If you're there too, come say hi. Due to AC and some other personal things going on next week, I'm putting commissions on hold until July. If I do any art at AC I'll post it here of course, but if not I'll be back to regular posting in July.




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