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I have been getting a bit better over the past week—but it's been really slow. I was hoping to be back to my regular work today and feeling almost back to normal, but I'm just not there yet. I actually feel slightly worse today than I did over the weekend. It feels like a 2 steps forward / 1 step back kind of healing process. I'm still having trouble sitting up for longer periods of time, and focusing to draw is still a challenge.

My ear doctor said recovery from BPPV / vertigo can take 2 to 3 weeks. My Uncle also told me this happened to him and it took about 2 weeks for him to get better too.

My original plan was to finish the next two comic pages for this month last week. They are pretty far along but still need some work done. Unfortunately after struggling to work this morning, I'm not just sure I'll be able to get them done this month now. I REALLY hate missing my deadlines, but then I wasn't expecting to be overnight in the hospital either.

I'm going to push the next two comic pages back to next month and post four pages in August. That way I won't have that hanging over my head, stressing about it when I should be resting.

 I've got the next two pages (27 & 28) colored. Page 29 is partly inked, and 30 - 33 are roughed out. So finishing up 27 - 28 should be relatively straightforward once I'm able to focus working on them and the other two will just be my regular 2 for that month.

Thanks again for your patience and I'll be posting some more stuff again soon.



Of course. Recovery takes time.


Wait so they didn't find anything wrong? Your inner ear just said "not today, pal"


Pretty much! Like a tiny microscopic crystal in there coming dislodged messed up my whole month :c