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Hey all,

For various reasons I've decided to take a break from drawing porn for July. I will still be doing the comic. But I wanted to give everyone a heads-up in case you wanted to pause your sub for that month.

Long story short, I've got a ton of ideas and projects I'd love to work on but none of them are porn. I also feel like I'm starting to stagnate again with my furry art and the only way to really address that is to do something else to recharge. So I'm going to swap my creative efforts from porn to other fun stuff for a month and see how that goes.

If you'd like to keep supporting me, that's cool! I'll probably still post some stuff, it'll just be other things. But if you want to wait until August, that's alright too.




Enjoy your break! We'll be waiting patiently for whatever awesomeness you've cooked up!!


I know I said it before to you, but I really appreciate it ^^



Wolfie Randolf

Sometimes we just need to recharge the batteries. It's fine, take the time you need. Can't wait to see more of the comic in due time :)