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Every once in a while I end up with a pile of sketches I've done that are maybe too weird to post on their own, so I just wait until I have a bunch and put them all into one download. They're attached to this post, so you'll have to click through and download them that way if you want to see them.

They're all extra weird cardinal stuff. :>

Some notes:

TPH's Fondle pic was an idea from TenPoundHammer. He did a sketch of it for me and I thought it was funny so I did my own version.

The "Pulsar Up Butt" ones are pretty much like a part three to the "Climbing up Butt" and "Face in Butt" sketches I posted a few months ago. I just did it a little later and never bothered to upload it on its own.

Taurtrain bird because I felt like I was way overdue for drawing one of those again.

Still on that impossible flexibility kick with Advanced Yoga




I always love your extra weird pics :3

Riz Lysander

Hot fucking damn, the taur train and the TPH fondle one are real hot. All of the weird stuff is real hot, heck <3

Mal Masque

The up the butt ones are wonderful and may or may not have been something I’ve thought about before.

El Deaf-o with Hearing Aid-o

hell yeah Love the fondling, two faces and up the butt ones in particular. The taurtrain must make rushing late a pain in the butt


I'm always so excited to see that warning icon and the blurry preview. :D


Haha, I'm glad you like it! For some it's a warning.. for others it's a promise they're about to have a good time :>


Always my favourites are the extreme multi weirdness~


Triple head: That's just plain cute! Two faces, one on backside of head: This just makes 'all the way through BJs' all the easier, don't you think? :} These taurtrain images are lovely, in that they show just how flexible such a form would be! TPH's idea is nice, it's cool having the arms/hands so near to the goods - but I say: make all four limbs into arms, so you can have four hands all stroking that lovely package! The up-your-own-butt images are delightful, swapping between them allows me to imagine that arms sliiiinking up there too :} The advanced yoga: What a beautifully bendy bird boy you be. 💜


Gosh, your weird body stuff is seriously so perfect. There’s just something really hot about this one character being able to do all of these different things all while treating it as the most normal casual thing ever