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Just wanted to let everyone know, I'll be at Furry Weekend Atlanta from May 9 to May 13! Say hi if you'll be there too. :>

I still have some art that I'm working on, but I don't know how much I'll be able to get done before the con. I'll be posting the next Perspective Shift page next week before I leave. Then I'll have a bunch of stuff finished up to post after I get back too.

Also since I've had a few folks asking, here's a brief update on my health issues.

As I mentioned the surgery was really successful. Over the longer term it's been even more successful than I was expecting. The nerve pain is nearly gone at this point, even though the doctors predicted it'd be 4 to 6 months before I'd see much improvement. I still have flashes of pain from it, but they're less and less, with longer periods of time between each one. The continuous improvement has been really encouraging.

As for the allergies, I haven't really mentioned it because there are still a few things up in the air with it and I've been waiting for something more definitive before I make an announcement. Best I can say right now is that it seems to be a combination of things, which are all interacting and making each other worse. And also, because I've been having this low level allergic reaction for so long, it's been taking many months for my body to settle down even after removing things that seem to exacerbate the issue. I've got another skin-prick test in June which I think will help this time just from the improvement I've seen so far. I've just been waiting to talk about it until I got some more definite answers—which I will hopefully be able to get.



Glad your feeling better! Hope you have a great time!


Ahhh wish I was going, one day I'll get to say hi