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My recovery is going really well so far. It's been a lot better than I'd hoped for which is great! But of course it's still a long process.

First I'll mention something kind of gross I found out at my post-op checkup last week. Because this was the third time I had surgery on the same spot, I've got a lot of scar tissue there. In order to ensure that the area heals up despite the scarring, the surgeon used staples rather than sutures/stitches to sew my leg up. It's like straight up Frankenstein's monster style.

Fortunately it looks a lot worse than it feels. But because that's harder on the body, the swelling is more pronounced and there's some pain and a lot of uncomfortableness. (It also means I have to go in again in a few weeks to have the staples removed, rather than having stitches that come out on their own. I suspect that process is kind of going to suck...) 

Anyway, what this means is that I'm still not able to sit upright at a desktop computer for long periods of time. I'm still going to take it easy this week. But I'm going to spend more time drawing since I can sit on the couch with my iPad and my leg up and still do that. Plus I've been in the mood to draw more again too. So I might end up doing some more self-indulgent stuff, or getting out some sketch ideas I've had for while.

It also means I might not get back to the 3D modeling or animation projects until April. But I knew that might be the case. I'll just have to wait until my leg is healed up enough that I can sit upright before I can put a lot of time in on the PC.



Focus on healing and being self-indulgent. This whole month is YOU time, as far as I'm concerned. :}


Dude take as much time as you need to recover and not a moment sooner, we're all happy to wait no matter how much healing time/physical therapy you need! ^.^