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Episode 9 'Shoot'

• Priority Release For VIP/Premium

• Unlocked To All Tiers 28.08.23

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MAD MEN S01E09.mp4

Shoot Don is courted by Jim Hobarth, head of a larger ad firm who offers him more money and more creative resources to join them. Betty Draper rekindles her interest in modeling after Hobarth suggests she should try it. She doesn't realize it's all part of the strategy to get Don on board.



Here is why the Presidential race matters in this show. In the US presidential candidates hire ad firms to design them tv commercials, magazine ads etc for the Campaign. Richard Nixon the then Vice President hired Sterling Cooper. The Nixon campaign is now their biggest client. That’s who Roger threw up on after the stairs. If Nixon wins the race the ad company can take credit or get blamed if he loses. It’s not going well for them because Nixon is running against Kennedy who is a much more attractive candidate. The film they were watching was a real ad with Jackie Kennedy speaking in Spanish to voters who don’t speak English. This was revolutionary at the time. They know they can’t make better ads than Kennedy so Pete’s idea is since there is only 3 channels and one or two commercials per show, they would buy ad space for laxatives in all the open slots where Kennedy isn’t running ads so he can’t have any tv commercials in those states and hopefully get less votes since back then uninformed voters usually vote for the guy already in office. I hope that makes it make sense since this storyline will be around for a few episodes.


To add a bit, they would want Nixon elected because it would mean less government oversight for their clients. Less legislation, less consumer protection... American politics are quite different from our parliamentary systems but I oddly find it simpler to understand.