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Im very sorry everyone but I had planned a livestream weekend but unfortunately the UK weather has decided to have a heatwave all week and it is already above 30C in my studio at midday.

Im afraid this was supposed to be a fun stream weekend but in these temperatures it is too much for me.

I will come back next weekend and try again for the streams. Apologies folks but hot weather with the doors and windows closed for a stream doesn't play well with my health. 😒


Dan Gleaballs

It’s been too hot for me already. Hoping we don’t get anywhere near 40c like last year.

Katie Young

It was 103F in Arizona today 🥵 were in for another 120-130° summer it seems. Is the UK humid? They say "it's a dry heat" here in the desert but it's not!! Lol humidity has risen worse and worse each year and idc where you're at 120°+, hell 110°+ is just too damn hot ANYWHERE!! A/C units aren't "the norm" out there either are they? I couldn't begin to imagine brother!! STAY SAFE & try to stay cool!! HEALTH ALWAYS COMES 1ST!! 🫶🏽


Its why I cancelled the LIVESTREAMS. AC units are pretty much non existent here unless its a large commercial building so homes just get unbearable. With my equipment on and streaming where your GPU gets to +70C on a normal day, then adding on the fact its over 30C in here already is just not comfortable to work in.