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Episode 3 'Monsters'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

• Unlocked To Alpha/Silver Tier 12.07.23


The Walking Dead S08e03 Extended-1.mp4

Monsters Conflict with the Saviors leads to unintended consequences for the Hilltop, the Kingdom, and Alexandria. Morality proves tricky in wartime.



Everything about this episode was great keep up with the great reaction

Erica Smith

I’d liked to think, if under these circumstances, my mindset would have personally, been with Tara when that Savior pissed his pants & with Morgan when they all ran away. Why keep them in the 1st place…….? I guess for humanity purposes…….& I’m sure to show, that there will be some ppl who’d say, “No, we can’t kill them all!” It was probably only one guy out of All of them tied up, who maybe didn’t deserve it. Under the circumstances, it really seems like, get them before they get you. Just my thoughts. Great reactions. I watch you because you talk a lot. Seemingly from the top of your head, you talk & you always upload on time. Keep up the good work.

Josip Buretic

If I would be in our group when Negan killed Glenn & Abraham and I had to see all of that and hear what they did with Daryl later I would definitely not show any of the saviors mercy. I would kill them all and that maybe doesn't make me any better then they are but I still would do it. I love Savage Morgan and yes I can see Jesus point but come on some guys(especially that long hair guy) did not deserve to stay alive. Just my opinion