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Episode 15 'Something They Need'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

• Unlocked To Alpha/Silver Tier 28.06.23


The Walking Dead S07e15 Extended-1.mp4

Something They Need A group of Alexandrians embarks on a journey to a distant community and one member of the group must make a heartbreaking decision.


Katie Young

While I most absolutely don't agree/condone what Negan is doing with his "wives", it's mentioned numerous times prior to this episode that they are there "by choice". Granted how large a choice is it to be a "numbered worker" and live like shit or you and your family be "taken care of" idk. Remember Amber, the one who "cheated on Negan" and got her ex's face burned. Negan also retold the "choice" he gave Tina and later Sherri after Tina died. He also told Dwight he could "pick any girl he chooses, provided they say yes". He is "against SA" essentially but let's be honest when it comes to his "wives" , although presented with a "choice"....it was the better of 2 shit options really.