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Episode 7 'Heads Up'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

• Unlocked To Alpha/Silver Tier 05.04.23


The Walking Dead S06e07 Extended-1.mp4

Heads Up Alexandria is finally able to begin pulling itself back together; peace is embraced between the two groups.



So, i have to say something on the three characters that everyone (and you) hates. 1. Morgan - I think Morgan is a character who NEEDS a cause or a code to live by since his son died. First it was "clear" with killing everything and everyone. Now it's the art of peace. I read this book, and i just have to say something about it and Morgans character ark. The book was written by one of the last students who trained under a true samurai. It is all about the way of the real warrior, to live with compassion and in real harmony with the world, because all life is precious. That is due to the nature of the butterfly effect. You never know, what kind of consequences your actions might have in the near and far future. So the "descision to kill" is one you cannot do in harmony, because your victim might be directly or indirecly responsible for a good deed or even saving another life. Even if he or she is "evil", one of their descions might have an effect on a lot of people. So by killing the person, you might also kill the opportuniy of somehting good to happen. That is the whole mindset behind this idea, and the show is just not doing a good job by explaining this through Morgan, even though his character is driven by it. 2. The Priest - I don't disagree :) 3. Inet - Pretty sure you got her wrong. She is not a spoiled brat, she is just a broken one, who lost every person she ever knew, was on her own for a long time, where she clearly could take care of herself. Now she is stuck in a place where she does not want to be. She could become close with somebody again. And all of this for (maybe?) a 16 year old or so to handle it on her own. I like her character, but you pretty much wrote her off from the first time on screen when you put her in the teenanger loveinterest sidecharacter box. Again, i blame the writers for this, because if you missed some of her lines in the first episodes she appeared in, she would come across as how you described her.

Theresa Iafolla

I think its dumb to be mad that Morgan doesnt want to kill people when thats what causes his psychosis him not killing people saved him