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Episode 2

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

• Unlocked to All Tiers 10.10.22


Peaky Blinders S03e02-1.mp4

Episode 2 Tommy discovers the extent of the mission given to him and the extreme lengths his new paymasters are willing to go to in their quest for power. Meanwhile his own family's activities lead to escalating danger in Birmingham.



OK a quick synopsis of what the plot is...... the soviets are undergoing a civil war capatalists v communists, whites V reds. Britain want to help the Capitalists to gain control, but can't be seen to be doing it. Tommy has been enlisted by Churchill (so he has no choice) to supply weapons/ tanks. The Priest who belongs to the political party the Economic League, (amongst many names)..... has been enlisted to keep Tommy in line with the deal. So The Ramanov's and Tatiana are refugees who fled the conflict so as not to be killed and are paying Tommy $10,000 for his help overthrow the communists back in Russia. Tommy is setting up charitable orphanages to help the orphaned children of Birmingham but the dodgey Priest and the people on the the "welll to do list" as Tommy calls it , also like to drop round to the orphanages after a few drinks and i will not expand on that anymore, use your imagination. Tommy knows this and is why he dislikes the Priest so much. You will see this develop. Also Steven Knight the writer and the creator said of Tommy, he had come back from war completely numb, and Grace who was named Grace for a reason was slowly helping to thaw his numbness. Arthur needed saving from himself after series 2 with the drink cocaine and PTSD and violence, Linda his new wife is fiercely religious and at first seems to have been good for Arthur, but how long when he is needed to help Tommy. John maimed Angel Changretta because he had stepped out with Lizzie and if you remember John was in love with Lizzie in series 1 so has still got feelings of jealousy about her and this Italian. Anyway hope that helps a little i will add more info on the Russians and the plot as we go along as anymore would lead to spoilers.........