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Episode 11 'I Ain't a Judas'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

• Unlocked To Alpha/Silver Tier 2.10.22


The Walking Dead S03e11 Extended-1.mp4

I Ain't a Judas Rick and the group are forced to make a decision now that their safety is no longer guaranteed. Andrea feels uncomfortable now that Woodbury has become a police state.


Samantha Bailey

Andrea is still into the Governor even though he told her if she leaves to not come back and he gave her no supplies for her safety. She gets to the prison and tries to advocate for the Governor and Woodbury and they refuse, she is also not received well when she shows up but when she leaves they give her a car, her weapons back and supplies to travel. Andera does not have great taste in men first Shane and now the Governor.

Jack's World

Yeah this was not the arc originally planned for Andrea tbh, they re-wrote her after killing off Dale, some major BTS drama with one of the head guys being let go & a lawsuit, actor playing Dale was close with him IRL & didn't like them letting him go so he wanted off & they killed him. Andrea & him were supposed to be close for a few seasons before he would die but Andrea was not supposed to be this far gone with this guy, so clearly in the wrong. It really sucks, she is one of the most badass people in the comics.