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Episode 11 'Judge, Jury, Executioner'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

• Unlocked To Alpha/Silver Tier 09.08.22


The Walking Dead S02e11 Extended-1.mp4

Judge, Jury, Executioner Rick sides with Shane causing Dale to worry that the group is losing its humanity; Carl's actions have unintended consequences.


Jack's World

Personally I was always on Dale‘s side with this discussion. When I watch this episode originally I was about 14 years old and I’m about 25 and there’s so many different perspectives to look at it from. While I do understand that people need to evolve and change in the New World that they are living in that does not mean that they are forced to rid themselves of all of their humanity and morality because I think that is a very dangerous place to go. That makes it possible to turn everybody into someone like Shane, which isn’t necessarily a good thing for the human race moving forward in my opinion. You could put yourself in the shoes of the teen/young adult that was probably around 19 to 21 because he was in the same school as Maggie at the same time, he loses both of his parents and ends up rolling with this random group of people to stay alive and safe maybe they weren’t the best group but they were helping him survive at the time and so he just rolled with it and then they come up to find the two of their friends were killed by some random people so they try to avenge/defend them. When the group leaves him behind that he thought was worth staying with, I don’t see any reasonable idea to suggest that he would genuinely want to go back to them given the way they treated him. I love all of the quotes the dale has in this episode such as “keeping our humanity is a choice” and “…so the answer is to kill him to prevent a crime that he may never even attempt?!” Both are very valid points and an endless discussion can be had about them because in the end we don’t know how valuable this person could be or how dangerous. But, I think starting down the road where killing them out right when you can’t decide what else to do with them and because you’re scared just isn’t a good idea even in this world because you need people to survive and to rebuild civilization to whatever degree you can in order to keep the human race going, and you can’t do that alone. I know this is long, but this is one of my favorite episodes of Season 2 because of the moral debates that are presented. They are just barely 2 months into the apocalypse at this point so it’s not like they’ve devolved into savage animals.


What I would've done if I were in the group, I like to hope, is that I'd be with Dale on this. I think what matters the most is keeping their humanity. It's not about holding onto the way things used to be but being what you want the future to look like. In the future I would want to live in people's lives still matter.