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As im sure you aware by now for the last two weeks I have been moving my ex-partner out of the apartment, helping her relocate and revamping my home and workspace. It has been an incredibly stressful time and I have tried my best to not allow it to affect my commitments on Youtube & Patreon.

With that said, I have had no choice but to delay Patreon releases for 3/4 days in order to be able to catch up and to continue to provide the entertainment value to you, my valued patrons. Please see the schedule for the minor changes. All releases will be back to normal by 17th May.

thankyou for all your support and patience. Greywolf


GreyWolf TV Upload Schedule May 2022

Sheet1 DATE,EDITED YOUTUBE Releases,PATREON Full Length,PATREON EXCLUSIVE, PRE-RELEASES (VIP/PREMIUM TIER),YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERS 01.05.22,THE WIRE S01E01 Pt 2,Money Heist (ES) S02E09 02.05.22,Person of Interest S03E14,THE X-FILES S06E11,Homeland S08E05,Homeland...



I hope that once everything calms down you can spend some time processing everything and hopefully it won't be too long before you can feel at home and happy and settled again even after such a big upheaval. Take care and honestly don't worry about the patreon from my perspective but I get why you are concerned about it. If you're not ok with just setting it aside for a while then maybe you can set it up to be automated uploads somehow if it is something that is causing you stress at the moment? Hope you're doing OK all things considered.


Thanks for your comments, all will be back to normal within a day or so now. Thanks