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Episode 13 'return 0'

Silver /GOLD Tier  12.02.23


Person Of Interest S05e13 Extended-1.mp4

return 0 Finch, Reese, Fusco, and Shaw embark on one last mission to prevent Samaritan from destroying The Machine and cementing its hold over mankind.


Felix Huang

At the end, Shaw is wearing Root's jacket. It is these little details that make the show from Good to Excellent.


I'd be interested to see what your favourite episodes were (obviously a lot harder to think about that having only just finished the show). When I rewatched the show I decided to rank every episode and my top 10 ended up being 1. 4x11 (If-then-else) 2. 3x10 (The Devil's Share) 3. 3x16 (RAM) 4. 4x20 (Terra Incognita) 5. 5x13 (Return 0) 6. 2x16 (Relevance) 7. 3x23 (Deus Ex Machina) 8. 4x22 (YHWH) 9. 2x12 (Prisoner's Dilemma) 10. 3x12 (Aletheia) This is in my top 3 shows of all time and I'm so glad to see other people become so invested, because while it had good ratings, it's quite undertalked about on the internet. Definitely agree with the point that every core character is wonderful, the writing manages to achieve such a good balance in keeping every character flawed while still being immensely watchable and you could easily see any of them carrying their own show. And to add on top of that, you could imagine any pairing of the core cast members working, even if it rarely happens. I can't think of a show that is this long in terms of an episode count that doesn't have at least one arc where a character is insufferable, every arc that could've been pushed there always lasts the perfect amount of time to be satisfying without overstaying it's welcome. The arc around mid-season 3 with Carter's death easily could've made Reese an insufferable character but it was done with such finnesse and is one of the most satisfying arcs in the show. For a show that has some of the most deliberately paced plotting and narrative development I've seen (it turning into pretty much a completely different show from season 1 to season 5 without ever feeling jarring and still keeping its core is seriously impressive), the characters are possibly the strongest element and that says a lot.

Felix Huang

Pretty much agreed with your list. Other honorable mentions, 2x22 (God Mode) and a personal favorite 1x21 (Many Happy Returns) for it being a great episode for trying out the series. Unlike the pilot which sets up too much filler.