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Episode 10 'The Cold War'

Silver /GOLD Tier 07.08.22


Person Of Interest S04e10 Extended.mp4

The Cold War Samaritan demonstrates its true power by taking control of New York for 48 hours and erasing crime from the city in an attempt to lure The Machine out of hiding.



This show feels like the missing link between our world and Sci-Fi as we know it. When you think about it, all the Sci-Fi stories start way ahead in time or with some technologies already there, and people already used to it. Sometimes they tell us about the origin, but it's like no one told the story going from us to the future. I don't know if I'm understandable XD I see it as an intro to future worlds like The Matrix or Westworld for example.


So true. But as far as I am concerned there's nothing truly sci-fi about this show, that's the scary part. I mean we have small AI's in our home (Siri, Alexa) basically talking to us, cameras are already everywhere and becoming smarter, we have massive supercomputers who could easily do what the machine and samaritan does. We have everything in place to precipitate the forming of a machine similar to what we see in this show. And maybe it's already here and we just don't know it.