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Episode 3 'Wingman'

Silver /GOLD Tier 19.06.22


Person Of Interest S04e03 Extended.mp4

Wingman Finch recruits Fusco to stay close to the latest POI, a professional "wingman" whose number has come up, but learning how to approach women soon becomes the least of his worries. Meanwhile, Reese must find a way to play by the rules at his new day job as the Machine sends Finch and Root on a mysterious errand.


Clara V.

The money thing makes perfect sense. Every monetary transaction is monitored by Samaritan, every bank account or company Finch has used before, alias or no, is known by Samaritan. There is exactly one weakness which is these identities exactly. Drawing money from an account that belongs to Harold Finch will be immediately known, even beyond that a sudden unexplained influx of money from an unexplained source would put him on the radar. I don't see how this makes any less sense than any of the rules about their new identity, I really don't.

Steve Mielke

If you like Michael Emerson portraying the bad guy - you should give Evil a chance...he's phenomenal in it