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Episode 9 Tomorrow'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

Unlocked to All Tiers 14.03.21


12 Monkeys S01e09.mp4

Tomorrow: Cole finds himself in 2017 at the height of the plague. Out of options, Jones faces an impossible choice to replace the Core.



the part that your confused with Cassy, she said "after the bombing alot of stuff happened with me and u. but u dont know yet because u havent lived it yet." i can see how u got that confused the way she worded it was kinda bad but keep in mind she was dying soo.


Regarding Jones knowing where Cole was - They knew where he was the whole time, they just didn't have the power left in their core to bring him back. In a previous episode Jones and Dr. Adler discuss how they will only know where he is while they still have power, but once their backup power dies they'll lose that link, which is why it was so important to get their core up and running. They messed that up which meant the only option was to take the other core. So they were able to track him, just not retrieve him. Cassie knowing is a different story. There are clues in that conversation they have at the CDC, but I'm not getting into them. They'll be answered along with the red forest in time. Jones killing Foster just goes to show she doesn't mess around. Like Ramse said she would do anything for her mission. The morality surrounding the massacre at Spearhead is definitely up in the air. I can understand both sides but don't know if there is an actual right or wrong answer to that question. It gets even messier when you bring into the equation whether she lied about which version of the virus they cured. Things are about to get very interesting as we near the end of this season. See you soon. Cheers!

Clara V.

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