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Episode 11 'Eve'

**NEW LINK** : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W6YyCL89yqXfc4EoAWSV5aucB4d0Ohxr/view?usp=sharing

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Silver/Gold Tiers 22.02.21



Demijan Omeragic

Enjoyed your video as always. You nailed it again with your review, excellent analysis. I am really impressed how you understand the episodes and also how you are able to make accurate predictions as to what is really going on. One thing I might add though, it appears to me you frequently point out that a certain episode didn't deal with aliens, as if this is unusual, when in fact it isn't. The majority of X-Files episodes are standalone / MOTW eps without aliens. And although "Eve" is a standalone episode, it also has a slight mythology feel to it. You will know what I mean as you continue watching the series. There will be episodes that are standalones but will have some mythology elements in it. Some of that is in "Eve" as well, although it can't really be understood at this point. I'm glad you're enjoying this series, and I'll make a prediction that as time goes on, especially when you get to mid season two, you're going to realize that this is one of, if not the the best TV series ever created. You will see so many spectacular episodes that will blow your mind. Just, as I said in my little guide sent to you in regards to newcomers to the show... avoid spoilers at all costs. All you need is the title of the episode, and if you really must, then just a short one or two sentence description which doesn't reveal too much. But really the title is just enough, to be on the safe side. You accurately predicted and figured out most if not everything this episode was about. You arrive to conclusions better than some X-Files fans who watched these episodes during their original airing. That's what makes your videos so special... is the in depth analysis and paying attention to details, connecting the dots which - at times - are very difficult to connect. Some future episodes can be very convoluted so I'm eager to see how you'll react to them as well. Either way I'm very glad to follow your X-Files journey, and I hope you're reading these comments under your videos. Can't wait for the next episode!