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Episode 10 'Fallen Angel'

**NEW LINK** : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1exb-YBzRz-ha80FS1kHH_OsHj-rQrUoI/view?usp=sharing

VIP/Premium Priority Release

Silver/Gold Tiers 20.02.21



Demijan Omeragic

OK so always your analysis of these episodes is absolutely superb. You pay attention to every important element, even specific dialogue like the "lie with an official stamp" line and other things. I admire your ability to watch so many different shows at the same time and yet being able to focus on all of them and follow them closely. I don't think I'd ever be able to do that. Respect! In regards to "Fallen Angel", it's obviously a mythology episode, and even though they say they found Max Fenig's dead body in some container, we really have know way of knowing if that's the truth at this point. Í'm glad you liked the episode. It's not one of my favorites even though it's mythology. I mean, it's really well made, has an intriguing story and great dialogue, but for some weird reason it was never an episode that made me go "wow that was awesome", compared to so many other episodes. Regardless, a matter of taste. And speaking of episodes, the next one "Eve" is IMO a fantastic one, and I'm fairly certain that you'll highly enjoy all the remaining season one episodes with maybe (or probably) the exception of episode 19, "Shapes". The season finale "The Erlenmeyer Flask" is phenomenal, and after that it is season two that will really begin to show you what the X-Files is truly capable of.

Demijan Omeragic

In regards to your observation about Scully not witnessing paranormal stuff... well, I don't want to spoil things... but just keep in mind that those things can change. I mean you're barely into mid season-one, and the original series has nine seasons and two feature films. A lot of things may happen. :) Also keep in mind that some hardcore skeptics might take a really long time to change their beliefs, although perhaps in this show Scully is the most extreme skeptic ever seen on a TV screen... which might mean that it'll take a lot for her to change... or not. Just things to ponder. Keep watching.