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Episode 1 'Pilot'

Silver /GOLD Tier 07.02.21


Person Of Interest S01e01 Full Length.mp4

Pilot: Reese and Finch must figure out whether a young prosecutor is a victim or a suspect.



Hello Grey Wolf. I am so glad you started reacting to this show. I really enjoyed your Fringe reaction and this show would be right up your alley. It is truly one of the most underrated shows ever.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Pilot- Thank you so much for reacting to one my all time favorite shows with my all time favorite actor, Jim Caviezel!! I love this show and I love John Reese's character! I am so, so happy you loved its Pilot, and I am so excited that you will be continuing on with it! This show is incredible, and it's certainly one of my all time favorite shows. :) Also... the creator of his show, Jonathan Nolan, is the brother of film creator... Christopher Nolan, and they're both phenomenal in creating such complex characters and storylines such as they do. I really love their works. And Person of Interest is certainly no exception. :) Now... Jim plays all of his character (Reese) with a deep voice that many fans of this show wonder if it's the actor's real voice, or if he speaks so deeply and quietly just for this particular character he's playing. This is actually Jim Caviezel's real voice that isn't made deeper to mask his identity at all, which I absolutely love. And Jim Caviezel speaks this way in every role he plays, and in his day to day life as well. John Reese is played by my all time favorite actor... Jim Caviezel, and Reese is one of my absolute favorite characters I have ever seen in any show or movie. I absolutely love him. I love how he's a man at the end of his rope, whom Finch saves simply by giving him a purpose in life. A chance to save lives and to stop terrible and tragic crimes from happening. A chance to be there in time, when he was unable to be so for the woman he once loved. Reese is also a badass and I love how he interacts with everyone he comes into contact with, as well as how he fights. But more so... I love the mysteriousness behind his character and why he does the things he does. He's a hero who doesn't believe as such about himself. And we will definitely get to learn more of as this show continues on. Reese is a character with so much depth, and I love him! Now, I also love Mr. Finch, who is played by Michael Emerson. He is certainly a well known actor from other shows such as Lost. I never watched Lost myself, but he's brilliant here in Person of Interest, and his limp is definitely very much a part of his character, which adds to his reasons for needing to hire someone far more capable of doing the fighting and leg work as they work together to solve these cases to come. Finch is the rich tech genius who works behind the scenes, while Reese is the fighter. And I absolutely love their team up. As for Detectives Joss Carter, played by Taraji P. Henson and Lionel Fusco, played by Kevin Chapman... I really love their overall characters as well. They both bring a lot to this phenomenal show and I look forward to you getting to know them more as well. In regards to how the Machine works... This show continues to explain more over time, but in a nutshell... the relevant list consists of information about bad people who are planning a terrorist attack, or a crime involving a large number of serous deaths, and these numbers then go to the NSA, FBI, CIA, police, etc... As for the irrelevant list... it consists of information that the Machine finds which will eventually lead to a single person's murder, or sometimes more than one person's kidnapping, or something bad in which the police would be called in afterwards to investigate. And how the Machine finds this information is by it sifting through everyone's emails, listing to everyone's phone calls, etc... in which a violent crime is being planned. At least everyone in New York. Like Finch said, the Machine can't predict crimes when they happen in the spare of the moment, but if they are planned out and there's a paper trail or tech trail of sorts, the Machine will see it. I hope this explanation helps. As for the relevance of the beginning scenes with Reese being a bum and being arrested... a part of it is so we can be introduced to Detective Carter, and to show us that Reese is a broken man with nothing to live for. However, there's lots more to his story. Finch states that he knows the government and the world believe that Reese is dead, just like they believe he's dead too. So both men are in hiding and try to keep themselves off of everyone's radar. Yet Reese is also looking to end his life, so before Finch found him, he no longer really cared about getting caught by the police and thrown in jail where he most likely would have found a way to end his life either way... whether it was behind bars or on the streets. Finch knows that Reese is a good man who was let down by the agency he worked for, and we have yet to know why and how. But Finch knows that Reese used to fight to try to protect innocent people and to stop the bad guys and therefore is someone who now needs a purpose if he's going to keep Reese from ending his life too. I really love the acting from each of the characters who are introduced in this first episode. Reese, Finch, as well as Detectives Carter and Fusco. The actors are brilliant and their characters really grow on you the further along we get into the series. This episode is most definitely fast paced, and there is a lot of information we need to know within a single episode, and it is important for us to understand the idea behind this show's main storyline. Reese and Finch fight to save the innocent people involved in crimes before they will occur, while Reese becomes hunted upon becoming who we'll soon come to see is dubbed, "the man in the suit". I hope that you will continue to enjoy this show, my friend. And again... thank you very much for this fantastic first reaction! I can't wait for more!!! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi