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Episode 4 'Conduit'

**NEW LINK** :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JZtY3_uHGLKU1IC73FGLE-AakgJ-aOSh/view?usp=sharing

VIP/Premium Priority Release

Silver/Gold Tiers 29.01.21




I also didn't recall this ep, I knew that it exists, but felt like I haven't seen it, but now I can really "see" why I like the x files, and why I liked it that much, way back then..

Demijan Omeragic

There will definitely be answers. Plenty of them. The show is extremely complex and yes Mulder will hit tons of road blocks and get prevented from learning various truths and preventing lots of things, but there will also be episodes with plenty of answers and huge revelations. Some fans don't consider this episode to be mythology, but for me (and others) it definitely is. It deals with alien abductions, government interference, and Mulder's sister / more character development.