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Episode 9 'The Beast in the Jungle'

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Ghost Mom

The woman who played Viola played Theodora in Hill House, and the older version of Jaime was played by the Mother of hill house. also Dani and Jaime had atleast 9 years together because Flora was 8 when it all happened and she was 17 when they met Owen at the restaurant and we arent given details of how much longer from there. The whole show can definitely be confusing but its one of those shows that really rewards a rewatch, you pick up on so many subtle hints all the way from the beginning like the fact that Miles is Peter and even Flora is being possessed quite frequently by Jessel even early on. (the super over acting/exaggerated bits is usually jessel), not to mention that Dani began the story frightened of reflections and ended the story frightened of reflections ofr a different reason; and Jaime who didnt understand Dani's anxieties and fear of reflections, ended the story obsessed with reflections. There's also the contrast between Au Pairs. Both had a sudden romance at the manor and both people they fell in love with worked for the manor; and both suffered abusive, traumatic childhoods, the only difference is Peter grew up to become an abuser himself and Jaime didn't. It's a beautiful but tragic story. and the affair of the sisters in the 1600's mirrors the affair of the windgrave brothers. There's lot's of theming around reflections, mirroring of stories, two sides of the same coin and how choices can change people. You also called it very early on that it felt like they were being haunted by other things like the past or grief, and you were right. Henry was haunted by grief and regret and blamed himself which took the shape of the grinning demon, Dani was haunted by grief and regret which took the shape of her ex. The other fantastic thing about this and I wasn't sure if you picked up on it because I never saw you point it out, but all the ghosts that Viola trapped there were constantly hiding in scenes all the way from episode 1. The Plague Doctor, The soldier (the one Henry mentioned, having seen when he was a kid) the faceless child, as a few examples. Its actually wild how many scenes they hid those characters in and right out in the open, and yet theyre still so easy to miss if you're not looking, and the faceless boy constantly moved things around in the doll house to warn/protect flora of where which ghost was especially Viola. I recently subbed to you after learning you reacted to fringe, loving your other reactions as well and very much looking forward to person of interest coming up, thanks for doing your thing, it's keeping me busy and distracted while dealing with health issues. thank you for all that you do :)