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Episode 9 'Death Doesn't Let You Say Goodbye'

• Priority-Release (VIP/Premium Tier

• Unlocked To All Tiers 06.12.20


Sense8 S01e09 Full Length.mp4

Death Doesn't Let You Say Goodbye: Riley learns about her new life and its dangers, Kala deals with the aftermath of the attack on Rajan's father, and Lito's world spins out of control.



Emotional is right! Riley has been almost a complete mystery up to this point and what a heavy reveal. It seems like she had an almost fairy tale life before it was all stripped away, with no help from that older Sensate (Yrsa) who told her she was hexed from a young age. Riley thought Yrsa was one of the "hidden people" from Icelandic folklore. We also found out that Whispers (the grey haired scientist) works for an international organization called BPO with a major research center in Iceland. These are the people who hunt sensates, so Yrsa, in her own way, was trying to protect Riley by scaring her away from Iceland. What emotional abuse Riley was put through believing that she was responsible for the tragedies in her life because of a curse.


I recognize Wolfgang's uncle from Dark. He played the Investigator Clausen in S2.