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Episode 8 'We Will All Be Judged'

• Priority-Release (VIP/Premium Tier

• Unlocked To All Tiers 29.11.20


Sense8 S01e08 Full Length.mp4

We Will All Be Judged by the Courage of Our Hearts: Sun fights to adjust to her new life as Capheus tries to change his. Will and Nomi dig up disturbing information that could change everything.


Scott B

Thanks for reacting to this show. It was the reason I got my netflix subscription to support the show. Looking forward to watching season 2 with you!

Scott B

Okay I'm dumb; I forget there are 10 episodes a season. I was wondering how they were going to get to the point I knew it ended. It has been a while since I watched this and I think I got it confused with The OA as being 8 episodes. Well yay 2 more episodes of the season to go!


Season 1 is 12 episodes. So is S2 counting the New Years special and the finale that aired a year later. I think from what we've seen so far, it can be deduced that there are more than one group of Sensates. The Grey Haired Scientist, Jonas and Angelica all are Sensates. and that having these abilities might be viewed as a threat by certain powers - sort of like the mutants in The X-Men were viewed as a threat to humanity as we know it, however in this case it's not public knowledge.