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Episode 10 'Dandelion'

• Priority-Release (VIP/Premium Tier)

Unlocked To Al Tiers 02.02.21


The Expanse S03e10 Full Length.mp4

Dandelion Sky: Holden sees past, present, and future. A ghost from Melba's past threatens her mission. Bobbie struggles to trust an old friend as she leads a group into uncharted territory.



A few episodes ago Miller said that when he exceeds his programmed boundaries the PM kills him and recreates him. When Holden asked him about Julie before, Miller said he didn't want to talk about her which I took to mean that the subject of Julie exceeded those boundaries. Now when Holden asks him, there was a delay before he reappeared with those memories, so I guess he was destroyed and upgraded with those experiences which took a little time. I can imagine the PM going through the Julie files to figure which experience will get Holden to do what it wants. So manipulative.


Interesting take bwr. I think what is frustrating but absolutely realistic is that an alien civilization or programming is not going to be easily figured out by us amoebas if you will. You are meant to be confused because there is no play book, no road map. We are like infants just testing things out and seeing what happens but because we were infants at one time, we know how to do that kind of experimentation. It's so brilliant and I laugh every time someone says that they can't figure it out but then start to methodically go through what they saw and try!! That's what it means to be a human sentient species!! Fantastic reaction as always!!