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Episode 20 'Lay Down Your Burdens (2)'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)     

• Unlocked To All Tiers 01.10.20     


Bsg S02e20.mp4

Lay Down Your Burdens (2): When Baltar wins the vote, Roslin considers stealing the election because she believes he is a Cylon collaborator.


Hazel Angus

Pegasus-Six can't just kill herself, suicide is a mortal sin according to her beliefs. But a suicide bombing - that's a way she can kill herself without committing a sin. That's what I think.


In Gaius' defence, he didn't have to listen to Adama, cause he knew, but that knowledge, amongst other, is what makes him unfit for his position..what next?..die, or get oppressed and live as a part of and under collaborator regime...maybe if Admiral Cain has been here things wouldn't have turned this bad, right? 😉

Martin Nicholls

The Joe Biden school of election counting, who wins more important than the correct winner being named. Scary stuff, good job nothing like that happens here on earth ever. "is that not going to look suspicious" - looks extremely suspicious, doesn't it? :)