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Hey Guys, Just to let you know we have unusually HOT weather here for the next couple days and it is ridiculously warm in our apartment and studio (no we don't have AC, this is the UK!) so with my health conditions makes it very uncomfortable to produce content.

As a result, there may be some minor delays in schedule releases for the remainder of the week.

Im sure you can appreciate, I do this job at home because I suffer with my heart, so at certain times, it may affect my ability to work at full capacity. Things will return to normal very quickly as the heat doesn't last long in the UK!

Im grateful and  appreciate ALL of you for your continued support.

GreyWolf aka Jorrell


Josip Buretic

Don't worry!! Health is the most important thing, I hope you will feel better soon. ❤️❤️


it's 24 degrees celsius in London 9pm, what the hell is going on, like it's the middle of july mediterranean..


It may be too hot to record with all the doors and windows closed, but i might do a livestream instead tonight and we'll carry on with The Division 2 :) See how hot it stays!


No worries. It's scorching...in May. I hate it!!

Scott B

Thanks for the update and no worries. Take care of yourself so we continue to get great content in the future.

Hazel Angus

I know what you mean. This heat is ridiculous. My poor partner has an awful heat rash and I'm sweating constantly. And you're in a room with computers, which produce more heat!


Stay cool, no worries