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Episode 11 'Colonial Day'

•  Priority Release (VIP/Premium Tier)   

• Unlocked To All New Tiers 30.04.20    


Bsg S01e11-1.mp4

Colonial Day: When President Roslin calls an Interim Quorum of the Twelve Colonies, she discovers that democracy brings its ugly stepsisters - politics and deadly intrigue - to the party. Tom Zarek, the charismatic convicted terrorist, is elected as the delegate from Sagittaron and immediately proposes elections for the vice-presidency.



"in war, you only get killed once, in politics, it can happen over and over" civilian politics, and civilian "leadership" must be one of the worst things that 'became', and that ever existed, "system" has its own good sides, but it's easy to manipulate it, cause people will "play the game" to "survive", although Laura = Madam President is playing it greatly, that's exactly how "Baltar winner move" has happened. ladies and gentlemen, another win for NUMBER SIX [ovations]


I think this is one of the few episodes I disagree with Helo. He says “no human could do the things they’ve done, they’ve killed billions of innocent people.” Now, I’m not sure of their history in that world but humans kill people for no reason at all. Look at all the wars, mass genocides, suicide bombings and more, humans are flawed and so are the Cylons because they were created in their own image. Helo is definitely my favorite character, I tend to agree with most of his decisions and thinking.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I don’t think they could have had the kind of “world wars” that we’ve had, because they would have been nuking whole planets, and that obviously hadn’t happened. They’ve probably had much smaller civil wars, like whatever Zarek was part of, but personally I think mass genocide is a new concept to them. Plus the fact that their military is ALL 12 planets means even if they’ve had small civil uprisings it hasn’t become any bigger than that.