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We're here once again folks! I added this new show to both platforms this week to bring new content and now youtube has blocked the episodes. I have re-uploaded it with 5 attempts with no success no matter what i try.

I cannot continue to give a series a chance if youtube's content ID system is going to punish me so severely (where its left other channels completely alone) for the same series.

We all know the copyright ID system is utterly broken and has been for some time, this is what can happen.

The Umbrella Academy is CANCELLED for the present time. (It may be re-added an an exclusive when a slot becomes available)

So from later this week Fringe will return to its usual slot of 2 episodes a week.

Schedule has been adjusted accordingly

GreyWolf TV



I'm so sorry you seem to be getting targeted! Netflix is not usually this militant with their original content, as far as I know.


its NBC that's the culprit. (and the damn Content ID system), First Picard, Then Designated Survivor, Now this... Any future shows from this studio will be ignored from this point as its getting ridiculous. ive just watch 3 other channels with the EXACT same scenes its told me are blocked on the episodes due to infringement. Its pure luck at this point

Hazel Angus

This is ludicrous. Can you appeal it, as Fair Use?