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My wife I have discussed at length how to tackle this show and have decided we are going to do the couple reaction to the Netflix show 'DARK' however we will be using the dubbed version with the subtitles for those who want it.

The reasons for this are because I am a visual thinker (person without an internal narrative) and will struggle to read subtitles and be able concentrate on the visuals at the same time, This would have me miss most of what is taking place on screen whilst picking out the keywords from the subtitles. I really want to enjoy this show and this would be the only way I could follow the storyline.

This is the reason i've never read an entire book my whole life!

Anyhow the first episode will be on Patreon 20th February




this will be interesting


GRRRRR scrap this whole thing.. I dont know what to do guys HELP!


react to it as it is, original or dubbed, as it suits you better, and that is the whole wisdom