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 Just putting some new ideas out there. Would you guys like to see the next new show that's added as a 'Couple Reaction' with my missus? We would obviously pick something neither of us have watched before and practically a brand new tv series?

I feel she would make a great contribution and give good insights and analysis as she is a veteran netflix binger! There would be only 1 episode per week as she has other commitments but i'm always looking to bring fresh ideas to both patreon and youtube. Comments would be welcomed... 

Possible shows would be

• V Wars

• October Faction

• Locke & Key


Matthew Elsenpeter

That's a great idea, the more the merrier!


I'd be up for that. :)


never watched any of those shows, but couple reaction is great idea


All for it, should be great fun!


go couple reaction!! october faction was pretty solid. . and ive only watched the first 3 of locke and key so far but its off to a really good start


Since you asked this question also here... let me repeat my suggestion ;-) V Wars, Locke & Key, October Faction are not for me. Of course, that shouldn't hinder you, if that is what you really want. I would still prefer something very unique (K-Drama like W Two Worlds Apart) or something more in line with your current reaction series like Dark or Altered Carbon... Still think a K-Drama would be perfect. You already watched K-Pop music videos. Korean culture is all the rage these days, but so far nobody had the idea to react to popular K-Dramas. I bet there is a unfulfilled demand for these reactions. Two Worlds Apart also fits perfectly into your SciFi / Fantasy / Nerdculture Lineup with its crazy premise. Maybe you start a trend for reaction channels? It would be at least something different and new. And if it doesn't work in the end, you at least tried it. And I would think that K-Dramas are perfect for reactions since they are so over the top hilarious and full of twists and turns. Two clips from W Two Worlds Apart (available on netflix btw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ_oxZacv5A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elODKqKnJw4 Or how about Designated Survivor 60 days (the korean version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTBYKdNAq4Y A few more suggestions (all on netflix): Vagabond: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kln4ByBiq-o Memories of the Alhambra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lcy3XUDd_A Love Alarm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sXTfzaLmiQ


Im afraid I can't add anything that is in a foreign language as it requires too much intricate editing work for youtube. I believe its why you also see very little subtitled shows on reaction channels.