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So I think I know the answer. But I'm just checking. Is anyone here specifically here for the CW Arrow episodes? I'm asking because I have been watching when Patreon gets a bump in signups and it's never for Arrow. (The CW crossover was an exception)

I have to decide on if Í'm going to keep paying my editor for the rest of this season. The first half of the season I took a financial lost but I was hoping it would pick up. Let me know your thoughts friends...


Rey Alex

Personally I've dropped Arrow since season 3 so I have no issue if you drop it. Now that I think about it, I've dropped all CW shows and DC TV in general except (funnily enough) Gotham xD


Maybe just stick to full reactions for Arrow, and keep that as a Patreon exclusive or just upload the full one to youtube. The low Arrow Patreon-viewership makes sense though, when you consider how this season has dropped in ratings as well.


Like 0 to 2 people watched the full reaction. It was really too much on my time too. Yeah I think interest has died except for some select episodes.


If you are experiencing that people aren't watching the reactions then drop it. Too much time is wasted in your schedule if no one is craving for it. I would suggest that you drop it and maybe start doing them again if there is a significant majority of your viewers who are wanting these reactions.


Like the guy above, I stopped after season 3 also. If you find it’s taking up too much of your time then maybe it’s best overall to drop it


Yeah I gave up on that show a long while ago. I know a couple months ago you were thinking about trying the Star Wars animated shows, so you could try that out and see how it goes.


Finishing up Avatar would honestly be a much better use of your time considering you're almost on the last season + still have Avatar Korra to watch afterwards as well (which is roughly the same amount of episodes). Or just watch a new show from that poll you just posted.