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Enough time has passed with the release of the latest update and voting for the content part of the new. As a result, the majority chose the development of existing plot characters, such as Yuki, Meiko, Ayano and Suzuki, and this has affected the vector of the game.

So what will the new version do?

Disclosure of the relationship between Yuki and Ayano, the implementation of Suzuki in other moments, as well as more information about each of these characters. This is if to speak briefly and without spoilers.


Well, if you ignore it, there will be a whole story, you can even say the event: the city festival, which will be held in your school.

Ayano, after talking about her relationship with Yuki, will think about her attitude to the club and life, after which she will turn to you for help - she was useless all this time, but wants to change. For this, strange as it may seem, she needs your help, which consists in preparing a concert for the city festival.

You'll have to interact with Yuki, risking your position, with Suzuki after meeting her, and use all available forces to organize what Ayano wants. Perhaps you will be refused, perhaps all this performance will be a failure, but everything will depend on you personally.

As a result of the above, we can highlight several features of the upcoming update: a new story arch, new entries in the diary and the opportunity to visit the home of Ayano. The latter, undoubtedly, will have pleasant features, if the passage of the first will be successful, but so far it is all in the plans. The only thing that was made of everything was the beginning, consisting of many dialogues and solutions: a conversation with Ayano about Yuki, a conversation about the upcoming city festival and a request for help, a conversation with Suzuki by phone, as well as a part of the rehearsal and introduction of Suzuki to Ayano. If you want to read all this, you will have to wait for the next WN. As the whole text will be corrected, finished and all the endings thought over, the link to it will be left in WN.

Will hentai content be in the new version?

Yes. It will not be so much compared to the same update where Meiko was added, but still will be added erotic content with Ayano. At least in the plans it is.

Well, for now all that remains is to wait for the next news. It is possible that some more system features will be added if there is little time left until October 23, but this is unlikely, although it's no


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