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It has been almost a month since the release of version 0.907, and during this time a lot has been done, although not everything that was planned. At the moment, we are working on integrating the character editor, new events and systems into the game, which greatly diversify the gameplay. Also, new Easter eggs, hairstyles, emotions, eyes for randomized NPCs, new descriptions, bug fixes were added.  Several new features will be added to the gameplay (as explained in the last WN): the world will finally respond to your actions in some way, and you will have the opportunity to make the school the way you see it, through the ability to change the appearance, character, and anything you choose to NPC.

In future updates, there will be more and more features, and they will be more diverse. Even now, in version 0.908, you will be able to invite NPCs to play sports, learn together, and their response will depend on what their character is, what your relationship is, and their response will be influenced by playing time. There are many noticeable factors that affect the response, and even more hidden factors. All this was done with one goal - to make the world alive, and already now the actions of the NPCs during these interactions will be directly related to their character: the weak and reclusive will be as silent as possible, you will need to use eloquence and intelligence/strength to make the end of the event successful.  For the social ones, everything is much simpler - most of the possible outcomes are positive,  but the arrogant ones may trigger an argument, which you may win or lose, granting a reward or a surprising outcome. The study of the world will thus become much more pleasant, unusual and diverse, and pumping relations with the NPCs will grow from an ordinary grind into something more, given the fact that they will comment on your every action, if, of course, rumors will go to this and gossips will do their job.\

When will the update be released?  

As you know, at the moment, the speed of the update depends on one person - me, which I am sure will change in the future. The emergence of new enthusiasts in the team is the reason for this, many of whom, quite possibly, will remain for a long time to make the game better and more interesting. In a month, as I will be sure of everyone,  I will introduce them, and also leave links to them, if they deem it necessary, and now, I wish to avoid giving you false hopes, so I will wait till next month before making secure announcements. So when is the update? As some people know, this month I had a move, which is why in some days I could not fully engage in the game. Now, of course, I have successfully moved, but the speed of work is, of course, affected and now in two days I need to insert everything that was done, written and not inserted into the game. This is quite a lot of work, given the translation of this case, so I think the update will be released later, but this month for sure. Maybe 25, maybe 27, but as I said, I will do my best to make sure that the update is released this month, and from next month, as always, the updates will be released on the 23rd, so all I can do is apologize to those waiting for this misunderstanding and ask them to wait a little longer.

Events written during the week can be found at these links:



Works by a new artist:


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