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=== ENG === 

- Cooking was added and, accordingly, satiety, which depends on the amount of energy given out for sleep.   

- An alarm clock was added, and the dream system was redesigned: the more you sleep, the more energy you get for sleeping  

 - The main interface was modified.   

- Completely reworked the statistics menu has been removed from the computer. Now it is in the icons on your phone.   

- A new location was added - the library, and with it the recipe book.  

- The settings, saves, and downloads menu has been completely redesigned. The save and download menu now contains full information about the game session: energy, satiety, money, name, and the exact time.  

- The grocery store was completely redesigned. Now each product in it has its own category, as well as a limited number in the store. Also, NPCs now purchase products together with you, and products are updated every week.  

- There were added 11 dishes available for cooking, as well as half a dozen ordinary semi-finished products that can be eaten.  

- "Cooking skill" was added. Its increase allows you to save products with a certain percentage each time a dish is prepared.  

- Auto-feeding capability has been added.   

- Added the ability to wait for the start of a new lesson in the classroom.   

- A refrigerator has been added, which stores all the dishes you have prepared and purchased.  

- Translation has been improved in some places.  

- Numerous technical issues have been fixed 

Download links:

=== RUS ===

Что хочется сразу отметить - 0.905 обновление станет скорее приятным дополнением к 0.904, нежели подлноценным с кучей разных систем и механик. Во многом 0.905 обновление - технические исправления, улучшения, а также расширение базы игры и ее функционала. К примеру, это обновление привнесло полезность другому элементу - деньги наконец-то будут нужны, ведь если не будет денег, то не будет сытости, а если не будет сытости, энергия при сне будет восстанавливаться куда хуже. Вплоть до минусовых доступных значений, в которых ваше взаимодействие с миром будет в некоторой степени ограничено.

- Была добавлена готовка и, соответсвенно, сытость, от которой зависит количество энергии, выдаваемой за сон.

- Был добавлен будильник, а также переделана система снов: чем больше ты спишь, тем больше энергии за сон получаешь

- Был видоизменен основной интерфейс.

- Полностью переделанное меню статистики было убрано с компьютера. Теперь оно находится в иконках на телефоне.

- Была добавлена новая локация - библиотека, а вместе с ней и книга рецептов.

- Было полностью переделано меню настроек, сохранений и загрузок. В меню сохранений и загрузок теперь находится полная информация об игровой сессии: энергия, сытость, деньги, имя, а также точное время.

- Был полностью переделан продуктовый магазин. Теперь каждый товар в нем имеет свою категорию, а также ограниченно количество в магазине. Также НПС теперь закупаются продуктами вместе с вами, а обновление товаров происходит каждую неделю.

- Было добавлено 11 блюд, доступных для приготовления, а также полдесятка обычных полуфабрикатов, которые возможно съесть.

- Было добавлено "умение готовки". Его повышение позволяет сохранять продукты с некоторым процентом при каждом приготовлении блюда.

- Была добавлена возможность автопитания.

- Была добавлена возможность ждать начала нового урока в классе.

- Был добавлен холодильник, в котором хранятся все приготовленные и купленные вами блюда.

- Был улучшен перевод в некоторых местах.

- Были исправлены многочисленные технические проблемы

Ссылки на скачивание:

Screenshots from the game:


Theodore Hopkins

PC yandex one is just a zipped folder with nothing in it.


The market NPC is bugging out and giving me an error screen.


It turns out that you want to talk to the NPC in the grocery store, but you get an error, right?


Did a new save and the market is working again. I think it bugs out if you spam talk to one girl too much.


Hm... In any case, the new update will greatly change the NPCs for the better. You can read about the plan in the third paragraph of Weekly News #19. In other words, this is fix to bug happen soon. Thank you for reporting the bug!


Yes, it happened after I spent a lot of time talking to a random npc girl.


Got another bug. If you have negative food and you go to the school canteen to buy food, the food modifier does not go up. So if I am -15 food and I buy school food the hunger is still -15. Only does this for hunger but not energy.


I can still perform actions despite negative hunger and energy. Not sure if that is intentional


A negative value is a deliberately made action for the sake of balance. For example, if you had negative values of hunger, energy and no money - you would not be able to get out of this state, as it is currently not provided by the gameplay, except for some escapes from it. The minimum value for energy is -40 The minimum value for satiety is -100 If you have -100 satiety, then every dream you have taken away the same amount of energy. Ie, if your endurance involves 120 energy per sleep, then you will make up for 20 energy. The standard replenishment modifier in this case removed and half of the modifier for endurance as well.


Ah okay, makes sense. Will let you know if there are any other weird things in the game but have not encountered it yet so far. (although the mart feels like it is always out of stock sometimes)


Just wondering how do I improve the club? Seem like there's no options that can be done after the 'basic management' option clicked


To somehow develop the club, first you need to completely finish the with Ayano and view the event, where she asks you to invite 5 participants.


After view the event, is there a new option on npc manu and I just click on them? Or I do need to go to somewhere to invite people? Seem I still don't konw how to invite people T _ T. Thank u


After passing the event where Ayano asks you to find people, you can invite any NPC to your club, if he is not already a member of another circle and if you have not invited him, and he has refused / already joined. The "invite to the club" button should be located in the communication tab with the NPC.


Hi sorry to bother again. Just wonder is there a way to increase mc's charisma or it's only set at the begging of the game? Thanks


The game is still under development and I think it will be in it for a very long time, but despite this, charisma can be improved with the help of elections. If you have enough charisma for a unique choice,and you click on it, it swings.


I see, thanks a lot


how to increase charisma points, authority points.


To increase the level of eloquence, you need to choose alternative answers in the elections with Meiko/Ayano/Suzuki, which require you to be the most eloquent. If you have enough points for it, it increases.