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So, one full month has passed, which means that it's time to announce a new version of the game, where... The changes may be somewhat unexpected. So, speaking of global changes, the first thing that comes to mind is a new language. 70 percent of the entire game has been translated into a new language - Chinese, which is already available thanks to our player RogerJKD. Also, in addition to increasing the number of languages into which the game has been translated, it can be noted the possibility of importing / exporting the academy, a library of characters, a dozen new hairstyles and clothing sets for female RNPCs, spot adjustment of scars/freckles/tattoos with transparency and color settings. In addition to female RNPCs, there are changes in male RNPCs as well - a large number of new clothes, new body position options and a huge number of smaller changes have appeared. Of course, this is not all that has been done. You can find out more about this in the list of changes below. And now... Let's move on to the release date of this version of the game for patreon roles:

  • On August 27, Early Access to version 0.957 will be open for Best Friend tier ($10) and higher. (Available now): Download Links

  • On September 15, Early Access to version 0.957 will be open for Friend tier ($5) and higher.

  • On September 21, Early Access to version 0.957 will be open for Supporter tier ($1) and higher.

  • On September 25, 0.957 version will be released to the public.


You can download modification from our discord channel.


New content:

A new language has been added to the game, available from the main menu - Chinese. The text was translated into 70 percent of everything in the game by our player, RogerJKD, for which we thank him. You can try out this translation either in the public version or in the paid version.

A new possible tab has been added that can be opened via the RNPC editor - import and export of randomized NPCs. This is a fairly large game system, with which you can save game characters generated from a game session / created by you, to the character library, and then import them into any other session after the created one. A lot of work has been done specifically for this system on game directories, improving their performance and many other things. In addition, a separate interface was made in the form of cards of randomized NPCs with their appearance and minimal information about them to simplify interaction with this interface. All imported characters are a JSON file that can be transferred to other players / to your other devices and, in principle, these files are quite simple in terms of their use and editing.

A new tab with an interface for improving interaction with the game has been added to the game - import and export of academies. In addition, all characters from there can also be exported to the character library. It is available in the same character library, on a new tab. (When updating the game, exported and imported data is not transferred to the new version. You can do it manually, all data is located in the game/character/json path).

A dozen new hairstyles have been added, which are displayed in the RNPC editor, and are also generated on them during the creation of a new game session.

More than a dozen different sets of clothes for randomized female NPCs have been added. More than half of them have a feature due to which this set of clothes changes its appearance dramatically with increased vulgarity, which will significantly improve the diversity of girls in game sessions and make them more visually individual than before.

A huge number of upper and lower clothes have been added for fine-tuning the RNPC clothing set in the RNPC editor: this allows you to make a randomized female NPC exactly the way you want to see it, which in general significantly increases their diversity if the player uses this function.

For randomized male NPCs/your character, about 4 dozen sets of clothes have been added. They were built both from existing clothes and from newly added ones.

New sets have been added to the clothing fine-tuning interface for randomized male NPCs/your character, which significantly improves the ability to create your own individual character.

Two new eye cuts have been added to randomized male NPCs/your character. It is available both in the editor and can be generated on a male NPC/your character.

Two new tattoos have been added to the left arm for randomized male NPCs/your character. It is available both in the editor and can be generated on a male NPC of an aggressive nature.

A significant and huge amount of work has been done on the emotional part during sex scenes with randomized female NPCs: now they are more elaborate, change much more often, are improved, and in general work much better for the entire atmosphere of the game and its "work" on the player.

Blood has been added to all 18+ character scenes with randomized NPCs, where there is penetration, if the female RNPC was a virgin at that time.

New buttons and add-ons have been added to the RNPCs editor interface, in the "Change Clothes" category. An interface that increases the editing capabilities: now the change of clothes does not just happen globally, but you change the preferences of the RNPCs specifically. You will be able to change the clothes that NPCs wear in the morning, afternoon, evening and night, and if you want, set everything up the same way, updating one set of clothes for all occasions.

New system events have been added to the game, as well as events with randomized NPCs, which will increase the possible pool and their variety, falling out during the gameplay.

A new button has been added to the game in the character information field interface - "Biography". With it, you can open more detailed information about the character, from his influence statistics to information about whether he smokes or not.

A new button has been added to the "Acquaintances" category in the diary interface, which allows you to search for RNPC by quickly clicking on it. This button is literally a repeat of the button from the location interface "Find a character", but there you do not need to enter the ID or the name of the character - the game will find him itself.

Now changing the color of the name of the RNPC also works on the interface of the phone, phone book, biography menu and a certain information field for a better understanding of who is who and to simplify interaction with the game interfaces.

When fighting with randomized male NPCs, a more suitable emotion and hand position were selected, more aimed at fighting, and not at bewilderment, as before.

A minor refactoring of the "Acquaintances" tab from the diary was carried out. Now this module is more dynamic, the interface adapts to the number of buttons and in general it has become more pleasant to use.

The script associated with entering the game after purchasing a Patreon subscription has been completely redesigned. If earlier mail and user data could be added for too long, the server could work incorrectly and in general the user could wait too long after purchasing the game, now this problem has been solved, and this system has begun to work completely stably, unlike what it was before.

The "Body conjuncture" setting in the RNPC editor has been moved to the "Body settings" category, on the next page. In addition, it is now available to everyone, and not just to subscribers of the Best Friend level and above.

A huge number of systems and mechanics of the game, although small, were related between modules, were refactored. There should now be fewer errors associated with them, and the performance of some specific interfaces/systems and mechanics should be significantly better than before.

The function responsible for initializing the appearance of the RNPC was slightly improved, due to which it is now easier to interact with, it has more input data for this very simplification, and in general there are fewer problem areas that could cause exceptions or other problems.

Now, in the interaction of the 18+ character "Masturbate me" with a randomized female NPC, the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite is displayed.

Now, in the scene of the 18+ in the "Missionary" position with a randomized NPC, the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite is displayed.

Now, in the scene with a kiss with a randomized NPC, the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite is displayed.

The random NPC hug scene now displays the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite.

The random NPC breast groping scene now displays the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite.

The "Makeup" tab has been moved to the "Face Settings" category in the female NPC editor.

A button for exporting a character to the character library has been added to the interaction with a random NPC menu.

A new button has been added to the biography menu - export, with which you can export an NPC to the character library.

A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for initializing the NPC appearance has been carried out, due to which the code itself has become less loaded, more efficient and easier to understand.

Now randomized NPCs visit the "Shopping Center" location much more often than before, as it was originally supposed to be. The frequency of visiting this location has been increased fourfold.

Improved AI of the aggressive type: now, if the RNPC fight among themselves, extort money and do other things, the success of this action depends primarily on their courage, because of which the downtrodden characters will no longer fight back, and if they do, their character trait will simply change.

The 18+ character interaction "Give me a blowjob" with a randomized female NPC now displays the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite.

The 18+ scene in the "69" position with a randomized NPC now displays the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite.

The 18+ scene in the "Doggystyle" position with a randomized NPC now displays the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite.

The 18+ scene in the "Side" position with a randomized NPC now displays the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite.

The 18+ scene in the "Rider" position with a randomized NPC now displays the makeup that is present on the NPC sprite.

The randomization system for randomized type story characters has been greatly improved, as well as the randomization of your character. All this was done for one type, and not through different systems, as before, which reduces the number of errors and shortcomings in all these systems to zero, and also generally improves the overall readability of the code.

Now clothes are not repainted in the color of the RNPC skin, as before, but remain as they should be.

A significant feature has been added to the game, in the RNPCs/your character editor, to improve tattoos on the body: now you can set transparency and color for each tattoo. Each tattoo can have different input values, which makes it possible to create an absolutely unique character of this plan.

A new possible feature has been added to the RNPCs editor - changing the transparency and color of piercings, scars, appearance features and other small details. With this, you will be able to customize a more interesting character for yourself in terms of appearance.

Minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the small details of the appearance of female and male RNPCs was carried out: now they have become fewer causes for errors, cause fewer problems and are generally more efficient than before.

The system for displaying available tattoos in the RNPCs/your character editor has been changed. It has been updated for other systems.

A huge refactoring of the systems responsible for displaying the interface, fonts and other systems responsible for the visual part of the game was carried out: because of this, it became easier to create new translations for the game, new initializing functions were added to add East Asian languages, and the interface itself was improved.

The language selection interface has been completely changed at the beginning of the gameplay and in case the game has not been launched before.

Language selection systems have been improved, which is why they now work faster, as well as, in general, language changes from their own work many times faster than before.

The weight on Windows devices was slightly reduced by removing some unnecessary Python libraries and files.

Optimization has been carried out to display some specific interfaces in favor of greater modularity and the possibility of further improvement.

The "body hair" setting has been improved for randomized male NPCs/your character. In the case of the last stage of such, there will be more hair on the body.

More underwear options have been added to randomized male NPCs/your character for you to choose/generate.

One new pair of Stockings has been added to the female NPC, available in the NPC editor.

New accessories have been added for female NPCs.

New bruises have been added for randomized male NPCs/your character that can appear after/during a fight. 

New facial scars have been added for randomized male NPCs/your character that are available in the editor/can appear after fights.

New accessories have been added for randomized male NPCs/your character - glasses. They are not generated, but can always be selected in the editor.

New movies have been added to the game in the "Cinema" location. Including fairly large, plot-developed ones. Each of these movies gives its own temporary buffs that other movies do not give, which is why there are now many more options for combining these buffs.

Now, in the "Acquaintances" category in the diary interface, only acquaintances of your character with whom he has ever met and/or interacted are displayed. In addition, a "Biographies" button has been added to this interface, which opens the corresponding menu with full information about the character, giving a potential player more opportunities to study the game and its game session.

A new possible button has been added to the game, in the biography tab - "Change color". With it, you can change the color of the character's name directly from this menu, and given that this menu can now be opened in the biography menu, you will have access to more different options for interacting with him, which will greatly improve interactions with the game when your character communicates with a huge number of RNPC. 

The functionality of the "Change color" function for randomized NPCs in the interaction interface has been improved. If earlier this color was displayed only in the general menu of the location, where all RNPC were displayed, now this same color is also displayed in some other interfaces: in the interface for interacting with the RNPC itself, where his name is written, as well as in the same interface of the Occultism Club, which will simplify the game when interacting with a large number of RNPC.

The RGB detection function has been improved, due to which it is now much easier to install it, as well as generally interact with systems that use this technology. 

The "Acquaintances" tab in the game, which is displayed in the diary, has been completely redesigned. It is now a more stable and less problematic interface than before.

The automatic interface closing system has been improved, due to which there should be significantly fewer bugs and errors with a "frozen" interface on the screen than before, and also significantly improve the stability of the game in general.

A significant refactoring of the system responsible for the rules of randomized NPCs was carried out, due to which the interface itself has become more stable, better and a little easier to use.

A minor refactoring of the calculation of the day of the week in the game was carried out, due to which this system no longer causes exceptions that prevented you from playing. In addition, all this was moved to a separate function to make it easier to interact with the game code.

The stability of the game servers has been improved, due to which there should no longer be errors with connection, problems with infinite connection and other problems of this type.

Some modules of the game engine have been refactored, which improves the stability of the game, reduces the number of exceptions, and in some cases increases and improves the performance of the game on especially old and/or weak Android/PC devices.

The system responsible for initializing clothes on randomized NPCs has been improved, which fixes some bugs and shortcomings in the visual plan, and generally improves the experience of interacting with these systems and systems of this type.

A new function for automatic initialization of clothes for randomized male NPCs has been added, due to which, when adding any part of clothing (lower or upper), the game will automatically build a set of clothes from this and generate it on the RNPC/add this set to the editor.

The RGB color initialization function has been moved to a separate function, which fixes a large number of errors inside the game, significantly improves its stability, and also simplifies interactions with interfaces of a certain plan.

A new reset function has been added to the clothing fine-tuning tab, allowing you to reset all changes.

A new possible function has been added to the alarm clock - to know the time when it will ring.

A new button has been added to the connection menu, which can help in case of problems with this very connection - settings. With it, you can select any server available for connection, enable or disable the "Quick connection" function, and generally influence this very connection if you have problems with the standard. This happens rarely, but in this case, even these rare cases can be safely avoided.

The modules for obtaining achievements and auto-power have been improved and updated, due to which they have much fewer errors than before, and also generally work more correctly than before, without rudimentary and non-working pieces.

The loading of the game on Android devices has been slightly accelerated by doubling some rudimentary functions, improving certain scripts in the game engine itself, and fixing some errors inside it.

The Python libraries used in the game have been updated, which has slightly increased performance and made some specific scripts less loaded than they looked before.

The area of ​​​​operability of game servers, including backup ones, has been increased, due to which connections to them occur in a much larger number of possible countries. This significantly increases the area of ​​​​use of cloud saves, online downloads, AI-generated lines, and some other things.

The system where the guard kicks your character out of the academy because it is closed has been completely cut out. 

A bug has been fixed due to which an exception could occur when trying to start a game session when your character was already sent to his room.

A flaw has been fixed due to which an event in which some RNPC wanted to join the occult club could be repeated over and over again, creating an endless cycle of such events.

Significant refactoring and refinement of the system that is responsible for displaying and initializing tattoos on RNPCs, including in scenes with them, has been carried out: now it causes many times fewer problems and exceptions, is a smaller factor for errors. In addition, an issue has been fixed due to which, if you add new tattoos using mods or new versions of the game, the game gave errors when transferring game saves to this version. The code itself has become clearer, more conditions have appeared, and in general, the code of this system has been updated in accordance with the current game systems.

The system responsible for changing RNPCs clothing depending on the time of day and actions has been changed and improved: firstly, now the male RNPCs also has this system, and secondly, the code itself responsible for this system has become more reliable and workable.

Now a warning is displayed in the interface of the custom color for hair/skin color and other things that the color of this part may be a different shade in the scenes to get rid of misunderstandings of the player.

The stability of lists with randomized NPCs has been improved, which is why there should be no more exceptions and bugs related to this.

Fixed bugs:

Fixed a bug that caused importing from the character library to work incorrectly, which caused the appearance of the imported NPC to be reset immediately after trying to switch to another RNPCs/exit the editor interface.

Fixed a bug that caused your chosen character to change incorrectly when trying to import the academy from the academy library.

Fixed a bug that could cause exceptions to occur in the game session itself after importing the academy.

Fixed a bug due to which, when changing the level of vulgarity, it was reset in the RNPCs editor to its original values, preventing it from being raised or lowered (this was only a visual bug, no more. Changes were taking place)

 Fixed a bug that caused the definition of clothes for different times of the day to work incorrectly in the RNPCs editor, which is why it did not work properly at all, skipping this type of mechanics during the initialization of the RNPCs appearance.

Fixed a bug that caused more than half of the tattoos on RNPCs women to be displayed incorrectly, completely ignoring them and being behind the texture of the hands, not in front.

Fixed a bug that caused the change of scars/tattoos and other small details in your character's appearance to not be preserved at all, regardless of the changes you made.

Fixed a bug that could cause tattoos not to be displayed on male RNPCs and simply ignored.

Fixed a bug that caused tattoos and some other small details of the appearance of female RNPCs to be displayed only when they were wearing underwear, ignoring other conditions.

Fixed a bug that caused tattoos on female RNPCs to simply not be displayed on the sprite during playback of the scene with the "Hug" interaction.

Fixed an issue where tattoos on male RNPCs sprite in the scene of kissing with female RNPCs were displayed on top of their clothes.

Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed tattoos on female RNPCs during the playback of the scene 18+ characters of the "Side" pose.

Fixed a bug that caused the perks from the diary interface simply did not have the necessary translation, which could be displayed as "squares"

Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown during an attempt to open and initialize the choice of taking off clothes as a choice for winning in the interface.

Fixed a bug that could cause an exception during the end of a fight where your character loses to a randomized NPC.

 Fixed a bug that could cause the relationship to reset after the victory or defeat of the RNPCs in the moment after the fight with him to zero or so.

Fixed a bug that could cause an exception during an attempt to open the diary interface of the "Familiar" category in very rare situations.

Fixed a bug that caused the auto-expansion of the place for the list of acquaintances in the corresponding interface to not work.

Fixed a bug that caused the scrollbar to not appear in the list of acquaintances, completely ignoring the fact that the list could be overflowing.

Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during an attempt to initialize an in-game scene with RNPCs in very rare situations after transferring a game save.

Fixed a bug that caused in-game scenes with female RNPCs to have exceptions, after which it was impossible to open them due to a data error in the construction of data about this very character.

Fixed a bug that could cause the game to throw an exception when trying to open the save menu for no reason and without the ability to change something without resetting the permanent settings in the corresponding settings menu.

Fixed a bug that caused scars/tattoos and small details of male RNPCs to be permanently reset when hovering the cursor over some other place. In addition, a bug has been fixed that could cause these parts of the exterior to "Blink", disappearing and appearing once a second.

Fixed a bug due to which a tattoo could spawn on a female RNPC that did not exist for this gender, thereby causing a script error during its initialization.

Fixed a bug due to which the female RNPC editor, when editing a swimsuit for the RNPC, could throw an exception that would not allow you to continue playing and reset all settings made in this interface.

Fixed a bug due to which the female RNPC editor, when editing underwear, a bra for the RNPC, could throw an exception that would not allow you to continue playing and reset all settings made in this interface.

Fixed a bug due to which in some very rare outfits of clothing for female RNPC, their sleeves and the clothing itself could differ in color.

Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions when trying to get a part-time job at a grocery store/change your hairstyle at a barbershop due to the lack of data on the necessary characters.

Fixed a bug due to which randomization of characters/change of gender in the RNPC editor/in the editor of your character reset the gender ratio in the game session, which could lead to undesirable consequences when generating a game session/regenerating it already in the game session itself.

Fixed a bug due to which when generating some specific story characters the gender ratio in the game session could be reset.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to open the menu for changing standardized clothing on randomized female NPCs.

Fixed a bug due to which when customizing the bra and panties of randomized female NPCs the outerwear on the sprite was not hidden, which interfered with the general customization of this case.

Fixed a bug due to which changing the standardized uniform in the academy did not change the internal data of the RNPC, which could cause certain problems with this.

Fixed a bug due to which changing the clothes of the RNPC in the interface for changing the standardized uniform in the academy did not actually change anything in the sprite, and the clothes on it remained the same as they were.

Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ character scene of the "69" pose, the glasses on the female RNPC were displayed on top of it, thereby creating a graphical bug.

Fixed a bug due to which the abs shape indicator in the RNPC editor could go below zero or equal to zero in some very rare cases.

Fixed a bug due to which changing the makeup of randomized NPCs applied this same makeup to all RNPC in the editor and its list.

Fixed a bug due to which some specific RNPC settings in the editor could be reset when hovering over a button / when saving changes.

Fixed a bug due to which the RNPC ID was reset when the script was restarted, which could cause exceptions/change the RNPC in the dialog and there could be other problems associated with this.

Fixed a bug due to which the female RNPC editor, when editing a swimsuit for the RNPC, could throw an exception that would not allow you to continue playing and reset all settings made in this interface.

Fixed a bug due to which the female RNPC editor, when editing underwear, a bra for the RNPC, could throw an exception that would not allow you to continue playing and reset all settings made in this interface.

Fixed a bug due to which in some very rare outfits of clothing for female RNPC, their sleeves and the clothing itself could differ in color.

Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions when trying to get a part-time job at a grocery store/change your hairstyle at a barbershop due to the lack of data on the necessary characters.

Fixed a bug due to which randomization of characters/change of gender in the RNPC editor/in the editor of your character reset the gender ratio in the game session, which could lead to undesirable consequences when generating a game session/regenerating it already in the game session itself.

Fixed a bug due to which when generating some specific story characters the gender ratio in the game session could be reset.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to open the menu for changing standardized clothing on randomized female NPCs.

Fixed a bug due to which when customizing the bra and panties of randomized female NPCs the outerwear on the sprite was not hidden, which interfered with the general customization of this case.

Fixed a bug due to which changing the standardized uniform in the academy did not change the internal data of the RNPC, which could cause certain problems with this.

Fixed a bug due to which changing the clothes of the RNPС in the interface for changing the standardized uniform in the academy did not actually change anything in the sprite, and the clothes on it remained the same as they were.

Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ character scene of the "69" pose, the glasses on the female RNPC were displayed on top of it, thereby creating a graphical bug.

Fixed a bug due to which the abs shape indicator in the RNPС editor could go below zero or equal to zero in some very rare cases.

Fixed a bug due to which changing the makeup of randomized NPCs applied this same makeup to all RNPC in the editor and its list.

Fixed a bug due to which some specific RNPC settings in the editor could be reset when hovering over a button / when saving changes.

Fixed a bug due to which the RNPC ID was reset when the script was restarted, which could cause exceptions/change the RNPC in the dialog and there could be other problems associated with this.

Fixed a bug due to which the sleeves of clothes could be shown on a randomized NPC when he has modified outerwear, from his old clothes that come with his set. Now everything should be displayed as it should: in the case of wearing outerwear from some set, the game will try to find it, and if it does not find it, it will completely remove the sleeves.

Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception during an attempt to initialize the color of the upper and / or lower part of the clothes, no matter what.

Fixed a bug due to which the color of the lower / upper part of the clothes could work incorrectly, ignoring this setting in the game session itself and / or recoloring only the sleeves of the female RNPC. Also fixed a bug when the game puts skin color above the color of clothes, recoloring this very clothes in rare moments in the skin color itself instead of recoloring it in the desired color for the clothes.

Fixed a bug where randomized female NPCs could have accessories that couldn't be removed in the RNPC editor.

Fixed a bug where the "Accessory Customization 2" tab would be completely empty and only have a blank space when editing a female RNPC.

Fixed a bug where the variable change function for certain interfaces could be overwritten when starting a game session, causing exceptions and generally preventing the game session progress from being saved at some point.

Fixed a bug where some persistent game settings such as font, volume, and others could reset after a certain amount of time in a game session.

Fixed a bug where the game would throw an exception after reloading a game script with a huge chance of doing so.

Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception after trying to save.

Fixed a bug due to which the menu in the RNPC editor had too many settings, due to which these very buttons could go beyond the interface.

Fixed a bug due to which all female RNPC clothes could be black or colorless, discolored due to certain problems in the color calculation module of such.

Fixed a bug due to which in a game session some RNPC could be generated incorrectly, causing exceptions and some other problems. Although this happened rarely, it still happened at least sometimes. 

Fixed a flaw due to which the RNPC that sells x-ray glasses to your character could remain on the location with access to communication with him, which was not originally intended.

Now opening any interface within interactions with locations closes the phone interface, which fixes a bug with incorrectly working animations due to the constantly updating screen.

Fixed a bug due to which the sleeves of some clothes could be completely black, despite the original color or its absence in real clothes.

Fixed a bug due to which the contact of randomized story NPCs (including the NPC who gives your character x-ray glasses) could disappear from the contact list after restarting the game/loading a save or simply after some in-game time.

Fixed a bug due to which the inventory interface could freeze and not open in one of the game sessions. This happened rarely, but if it did, the player had no way to fix it.

Fixed a bug due to which, when the hands of a randomized male NPC were in the fifth position, his palm could fall through the texture of the lower part of the clothes, creating a graphical bug.

Fixed a bug due to which the subposition of the hands was knocked down to the first position for randomized male NPCs, due to which the hands themselves were in a subposition, and clothes and some accessories could take the standard position of the hands.

Fixed a bug due to which the "Take off the top" and "Take off the bottom" buttons did not work in the interface for changing the standardized uniform of the academy for female RNPCs in the clothing and underwear tabs. Despite clicking on them, nothing happened.

Fixed a bug due to which the emotions in the RNPC photo card in the occult club management interface, in the phone interface and in some other places could constantly change and be different. Now they are tied to the RNPC character trait, as well as in the activity menu with them.

Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC could smoke, while having a character trait that did not allow him to do so. Now if the RNPСdoes not smoke, he will not stand with a cigarette and prove the opposite to your character.

Fixed a bug due to which the RNPC with an accessory that was supposed to hide hair did not do this due to certain errors in the script and ignored these requirements.

Fixed a bug due to which undressing underwear and outerwear did not work correctly, due to which even in case of winning in cards, the RNPC did not undress as your character wanted. (Only relevant for the card game interface)

Fixed a bug due to which saving data about the RNPC when generating one could incorrectly work with fatigue data, which at the beginning of a game session could generally have a rather bad effect on the gameplay and communication with them.

Fixed a bug due to which when RNPC fought with each other, they did not increase their experience in fights, which in the end could look not very logical. 

Fixed a bug due to which the grocery store was considered a sublocation of city locations, which is currently incorrect and in the patch.

Fixed a bug where if your character was being a voyeur, the relationship would not change correctly.

Fixed a bug where some 18+ character scenes with randomized female NPCs could have issues with their emotions not changing properly.

Fixed a bug where the movements in the 18+ character scene of the "Doggy Style" position on your character's part would work completely incorrectly, causing them to just stand there and do nothing.

Fixed a bug where the cum on a randomized female NPC during a blowjob from her would not follow her as she moved, but would remain in the air no matter what.

Fixed a bug where the skirt length of a randomized female NPC in the RNPC editor interface could change without attempting to change the dirty level, and no longer take the dirty level of that NPC into account. 

Fixed a bug where re-randomizing an NPC in the RNPC editor could completely ignore its gender and change it, even though it should not have.

Fixed a bug where your character could get stuck in an endless loop where they were transferred to the Academy location, which is why the save simply broke at one point.

Fixed a bug where at one point the RNPC could invite your character to go to the Academy location when it was closed. 

Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC could invite your character to his own apartment, which could lead to critical bugs that prevented you from playing further.

Fixed a bug due to which your character could get stuck in the Academy location with no way to get out of there, due to which any transition to other locations/rewind and other actions would transfer him back.

Fixed fundamental bugs that concern hiding/showing clothes/underwear on female NPCs, due to which the game could have certain problems in certain game moments.

Fixed a bug due to which in some very rare cases an exception could occur, preventing you from opening the Occultism Club Management menu, the tab with the distribution of activities for NPCs.

Fixed a bug due to which a randomized female NPC in the locker room could have all the clothes on her body regardless of the progress of the event.

Fixed a bug due to which after the event with your character going to the female locker room, the system of hiding/showing clothes on them could work extremely incorrectly.

Fixed a bug due to which your character could consume half or even the entire refrigerator in one minute with auto-power on and in some special cases.

Fixed a bug due to which the modules for obtaining achievements and auto-power did not work, due to which the game could work in an absolutely incorrect way, creating a huge number of errors without exceptions and breakdowns within the game session.

Fixed a bug due to which after a short period of game time in the game session, errors could occur when opening certain interfaces at a certain time of day, etc.

Fixed a fundamental bug due to which the game could forget randomized NPCs after reloading the game script, completely breaking the existing game session without the ability to change anything for the better.

Fixed a bug due to which tattoos/bruises and bruises could disappear from a randomized NPC regardless of what he was wearing, as well as some other external factors.

Fixed a bug where time would rewind by 10 minutes when exiting the computer, making it possible to literally rewind time with it. 

Fixed a bug where during the event where the girl shows her underwear in the academy auditorium, she might have the wrong set of clothes, causing her hand position to quickly reset, and instead of lifting her skirt, she would just stand there and watch.

Fixed a bug due to which during the event where a female RNPC lifts her skirt due to losing in cards, she had underwear on herself, although the event text said otherwise.

Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC who robs your character in his apartment did not give your character money when making the appropriate choices.

Fixed a bug due to which the parameters of eye color, criminality in the influence statistics tab and sexual experience statistics did not change properly in the RNPC editor, due to which they simply reset after moving/moving the mouse to another part of the interface.

Fixed a bug due to which in some very rare cases an exception could occur, preventing the opening of the occult club management menu, the tab with the distribution of activity for RNPC.

Fixed a bug due to which a randomized female NPC in the locker room could have all the clothes on her body regardless of the event progress.

Fixed a bug due to which after the event with your character going to the female locker room, the system of hiding/showing clothes on them could work extremely incorrectly.

Fixed a flaw due to which in one minute your character could eat the floor or even the entire refrigerator with auto-power on and in some special cases.

Fixed a bug due to which the alarm clock woke up your character at an incorrect time if the time in minutes was greater than zero (an hour later than it should have been).

Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC with high courage could still surrender to your character before the fight started, even if he was stronger than your character. This was due to a formula error.

Fixed a bug due to which opening the interaction menu with a randomized male NPC during/after a fight could cause exceptions for the next in-game hour.

Fixed a bug due to which certain details of their appearance were not displayed on randomized male NPCs: tattoos, blood and bruises, as well as some other details as expected.

Fixed a bug due to which changing the "hairiness" of male NPCs and your character did not work in the game session, although all data from there was saved correctly. 

Fixed a bug due to which, when separating randomized NPCs from fights, the first NPC in the list for selection did not have a last name, only a first name.

Fixed a bug due to which the budget of the occult club in the management interface was shown incorrectly in the tab where the level of the occult club and some other data were shown.

Fixed a bug due to which the item "Face Hiding Mask" went beyond the edges of the interface in the online store when buying this item.

Fixed a bug due to which, when wearing x-ray glasses and switching the mode, randomized female NPCs still had underwear.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when displaying a bra of a randomized female NPC in some very rare cases.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception occurred at a difficulty level above average and when trying to open the in-game world map with an overweight.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when editing your own character and his appearance and / or when editing a female RNPC in some individual and rare cases of gameplay.

Fixed a bug where if you helped a victim during bullying while a randomized NPC was active towards another NPC, you would end up fighting the victim instead of the bully.

Fixed a bug where the Occult Club interaction and management interface would not close completely, causing it to be visible over the interface at certain points in gameplay when it should not have been shown at all.

Fixed a bug where certain changes in the NPC/your character editor would be forced to reset to their default values ​​no matter what, preventing you from saving or changing certain details in your character/NPC.

Fixed a bug where Casual Outfit 1 on randomized male NPCs/your character would have an extra pixel with a piece of skin on top of the texture itself.

Fixed a bug due to which the "Underpants" clothing set in the menu for equipping clothes for your character was without these same underpants, which is why it looked absolutely the same as "without clothes" 

Fixed a bug due to which, when hovering over a club and having an item in the "radio station" club, you could thereby increase the popularity of the club with just one cursor movement.

Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when entering the menu for changing the standardized form of the academy through the story character Yuki Oota.

Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in some old interfaces with the gameplay after the in-game time had passed to a certain value due to fundamental errors in the game code.

Fixed a bug that caused an exception when going to the main menu from a game session and then starting a new game session.

Fixed a bug that caused the time to be rewinded by 120 minutes when rewinding by 60 minutes using a separate button.

Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown in some very rare cases when entering the player's PC interface, in the hacks tab, second page.

Fixed fundamental errors in the game engine, due to which exceptions could be thrown at certain points in the gameplay, preventing you from entering the interface and playing further.

Fixed a very rare bug due to which an exception occurred when opening the diary interface, preventing it from ever being opened again. It occurred rarely and in special cases, but now it is gone.

Fixed a bug due to which some content from the RNPC was not translated into English when playing in this very language.

Fixed a bug due to which on Android devices there was nothing on the game icon except the standard icon of the game engine. Everything was returned along with a custom loading screen made specifically for the game.

Fixed a bug due to which in some very rare cases the game could not be installed on an Android device that had a cache from the game before, giving an error and not allowing the opportunity to play the game.

Fixed a bug due to which dialogues with randomized NPCs and any interaction with them took longer than they should, and instead of any interaction for an hour, it took two or more hours.

Fixed fundamental errors related to the calculation of time in the game, due to which at some points in the gameplay the game could throw exceptions or generally work incorrectly when calculating the game time of day. 

Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to enter RGB without the # sign. Even if everything was entered correctly, the game did not recognize RGB without it, giving an error in some interfaces and / or refusing to display it all properly.

Fixed a bug due to which, when ending a meeting at a party, the menu with interaction with a randomized NPC could simply freeze on the screen, closing only after some very long and prolonged time.

Fixed a bug due to which, in some very rare cases, the interface with the RNPC rules did not close at all, freezing on the screen, due to which it was no longer possible to use the game and generally be present in the interface of interaction with the RNPC.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when the activity menu with randomized NPCs was open through the interface of interaction with the world, as well as when the "Acquaintances" menu category was open in the diary interface.

Fixed a bug due to which changing any values ​​in the mandatory text input interface could work incorrectly, due to which, in some very rare cases, certain interfaces could "fall off" and "not work".

Fixed a bug due to which an exception would occur after selecting "Undress" when defeating a female RNPC after fights with one.

Fixed a bug due to which after defeating randomized NPCs in maps with the "undress" condition, despite losing and choosing any piece of clothing from your character, the latter still did not take anything off, completely ignoring requests.

Fixed a bug due to which after some in-game time an exception could occur in some specific interfaces and during gameplay of a certain nature.

Fixed a bug due to which, in very rare cases, an exception could occur when trying to initialize clothing on a randomized female NPC.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to initialize some buttons in the equip clothing menu on your character.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when changing the color of clothing on a randomized female NPC.

Fixed a bug due to which the monk outfit was unavailable, due to which when selecting it, your character/male NPC was simply naked. The same goes for the events with Barnibold: a bug due to which the priests glorifying him did not have the monk outfit was fixed.

Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to exit the menu for fine-tuning the clothes of a randomized male NPC/your character due to the fact that the "Back" button was missing.

Fixed a bug due to which sleeves in the female NPC editor could work incorrectly, causing some graphical flaws.

Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when positioning the hands of a randomized NPC 2.1. 




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