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In Episode 8 we finally get into the last of the LI's personal arcs, and this time it's the Captain himself! After everything he went through on his home planet, it's no wonder that his fears are starting to show.



Daniel Goh

My nickname for Calderon used to be “St John Rivers”, after the character in Jane Eyre which reminds me so much of him, since he’s untiringly attractive, but... “He prizes me as a soldier would a good weapon; and that is all... but can I let him complete his calculations—coolly put into practice his plans... Can I bear the consciousness that every endearment he bestows is a sacrifice made on principle? ... He had held me in awe because he had held me in doubt... I can imagine the possibility of conceiving an inevitable, strange, torturing kind of love for him: because he is so talented; and there is often a certain heroic grandeur in his look, manner, and conversation... All men of talent, whether they be men of feeling or not; whether they be zealots, or aspirants, or despots—provided only they be sincere—have their sublime moments: when they subdue and rule.” I haven’t played this Episode yet. I wonder if I’ll still be calling him “St John Rivers” after I do...? I wish it weren’t so but vulnerability, especially in tough men, feels so potent sometimes. “Oh that gentleness! how far more potent it is than force!”