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Hi everyone!

First of all, apologies for not releasing a newsletter in February! I (Aeriie) have been going through some health issues, and was recovering from surgery at the time, so, unfortunately, had to give it a miss, but I'm back on schedule this month 😊

As always, thank you to everyone for your support this month! If you've been playing the beta we hope you've enjoyed what you've seen so far, and we'll have a new update available to play on April 4th!

A little bit of real talk - it has taken us quite a while to get to the point where we are able to release beta updates regularly, and over the past year or so our team has gone through quite a few personal struggles, though we're happy to report that things are starting to look up. We also all have other work/day jobs, which is why we are usually only able to work on A6 part-time, but at the moment we are putting some extra work into the game to really get things moving.

In the next beta update we will conclude Part 2 of Episode 7, and from there will be working on getting Part 3 and 4 ready to go. These final two parts are quite hefty, as there are intimate scenes for each LI, as well as different scenes with the crew that aren't mandatory to play through, but we will be updating the beta with each scene as they are available, in order to bring them to our Patrons asap.

We're also putting extra effort into posting on our Twitter regularly, so if you are unable to support us on Patreon, please follow us over there for some other fun posts and sneak peeks!

Once again we want to thank you so much for your support of us, and we will see you again soon! 🚀

Ryona/Ayame art by @osteathus



L. Teasdale

Take your time. Your visual novel is really beautiful, and the best I've played/read. So take your time, it does the quality good. By the way, hats off to you gals for doing this alongside your day job. I know how difficult it is, and that it takes a lot of time and effort. Rest assured, when your VN is finally finished you will be satisfied and proud of the result. I am a writer myself, and my current project was turned upside down last year by unforeseen circumstances. I didn't give up, and just rebuilt everything from the ground up (also next to my day job). We're at 65% of the story now, and I'm proud. Without those unforeseen circumstances, it would never have been this good. So, we support you, talented people of Wanderlust Games! Greetings, your loyal Patreons and extended A6 crew.

Jack Newbill

Aaa! Our girls look awesome! Anyway, take care and take what time you need, team. Looking forward to the new update!

Queen Zelda

oh my gosh, red suits both of our beautiful women so much :D they look so so wonderful <3 please take care and stay safe, you all :) I'm looking so much forward to the new update <3 <3


Thank you so much! It's so nice to have support from our players, especially when you've been on the development side of things yourself, so you know how it goes! Good luck with your project, it sounds like you're doing an amazing job 😊

L. Teasdale

Thank you! Yes, the development side can be quite brutal (I don't think I need to explain that), but at the same time it's fantastic I think. The ability to be creative and tell stories to your readers. Same goes for VN games, where you can also include visuals and cool sounds. 🙌

Kaede Hatake

They are both so strong and unique ladies + they look stunning in red! I am so amazed by your VN with its captivating narrative and all this wonderful characters. Been a while since I was so immersed in a story. Thank you so much for all your hard work 🥰