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It's been a little while since we've looked at variables, but we've got some interesting ones coming into play in Episode 7 that you might want to know about. 


From Episode 7, some choices that you make will have one of the following points attached to them:

$ royal_end_points += 1

$ independence_end_points += 1

$ unsure_end_points += 1

Choices that lead towards 'independence' will make your relationship with Nerissa more distant and will lead towards a more independent ending for both MC and Seleota.

Choices that lead towards the 'royal' pathway will make your relationship with Nerissa stronger and will lead towards a royal ending for MC and Seleota.

Choices with the variable 'unsure' will have a mix of both up until you're forced to make a choice between the above two.


As you can see, even though there are three different point systems, ultimately your MC will be heading towards one of two major endings. Pairing what ending you get with other choices in the game, like who you've decided to romance, can also lead to many different kinds of minor endings for MC, and also for the crew, who may decide to pursue different paths depending on your own choices in the game.

If you've played the beta of Episode 7 available on Patreon, you would have already had the chance to make some of these choices! Though the variables are hidden, you should be able to get a sense of where certain choices will lead you, and we hope that when the time comes, you'll have fun experimenting with the different pathways that the game has to offer.


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