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Thank you to everyone for waiting so patiently while we've been working on various things in the background. Today we can announce that our Patreon exclusive mini-story, Birthday Surprise, will be available to play on Sunday 27th November!!

This playable story will be available to Patrons on the Crewmate ($5 tier) and above, and will work like a mini side-story/DLC. You will be able to connect your Patreon membership to itch.io and add the game to your library.

This mini-story will be set during the time after the crew have left Orion, and before they reach Tilaarin, so there will also be some romance elements, and the chance to replay with different LI's.

Check out our sneak peek below!


The stars shimmer gently outside my bedroom window. Moons, planets, galaxies... a universe of curiosities lighting up the blank expanse of space, reminding me how very tiny I am in the centre of it all.

As I lay in bed I watch the sky. I've been awake for a while now, but I've no desire to pull myself away from the warmth of my blankets. There's an uneasiness that has settled in me this morning, one that I've felt building all week.

The gentle lull of the ship is usually a comfort. It reminds me of where I am, of how far I've come.

But not today.

Because today... today is my birthday.

And while for some that might bring happiness and excitement, for me it's quite the opposite.

Birthdays are supposed to be filled with laughter and fun, and if you're lucky even a bit of cake, but this year my birthday serves only to remind me how much my life has changed.

How much I've changed.




So excited!! Being in UK I’m really hoping it gets released early US time to give me time to enjoy it before work on Monday 😩


It will be released in the evening Australia time, so that should be pretty early in the US/UK 😊