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Tiberius Ilahaj
- A kind and humble man with a sharp sense of humor, who was well respected in his community.
- Tiberius was an artist who specialized in sculptures and metal work.
- Died when Bash was eight years old, from illness.

Sylvia Ilahaj
- A talented engineer who repaired bots from the workshop attached to their home.
- Came from a wealthy family who made their fortune through robotic production, though was cut off after marrying Tiberius, who her family did not approve of.
- Although she had married for love, she struggled to be content with the life she had chosen for herself.

Bash, being an intelligent and curious child, had picked up skills from both his father's artistic side and his mother's engineering by mimicking their work.

After the death of Tiberius, Sylvia struggled with the grief of losing her husband, who had left her with a son that reminded her so much of him.

When she eventually disappeared, a young Sebastian was left to fend for himself. After the family home was seized, an elderly neighbor and friend of his father's took care of him for a while. When she too died when Bash was fourteen, he decided to sign up for the arenas and start making his own way in the world.



My heart.... 😭


My beautiful boy, I wish he’d thread on a softer path. 🤧 On a lighter note, the tag’s reading illajah rather than ilahaj, may be a typo. 😉