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Thank you to everyone who sent through questions for this Q&A! This was definitely our biggest one yet, with us answering over 80 questions! Questions are sorted into categories below, with spoilers and NSFW separated at the end.


- General -

For bad endings, how bad are they going to be in terms of bittersweet to traumatic tm?
There won't be any bad endings, just different ones.

Will there be such a thing as a good ending and bad ending scenario? Depending on what decisions are made in the game?
No, there won't be good and bad endings, but there will be different endings depending on choices Traveler will make in later Episodes.

Does the options you choose in the first meeting on Cursa with Alisa effect how she will interact with MC later?
No. She will act in the same way.

Will the game take into account that Vexx was an old flame of the Traveler, if you choose another LI to pursue? Basically, will there be some jealousy scenes here and there between ex-LI Vexx, and the new LI?
Yes, it will take it in to account. There may be a line or two about it at the beginning, but it won't be a huge topic.

Were there any big personality/backstory changes?
Personalities pretty much stayed the same. There is one major backstory that changed, but it ties in with the plot point, so we won't be giving details.

Is there any other scrapped designs of characters? :D
Deli –
there were no completely scrapped character designs; all the changes to the characters designs were very minor. A majority of them were changes to the colors of the characters clothes, or drawing in additional accessories like weapons, holsters, necklaces and bracelets. Alisa had some scrapped outfit ideas – I originally had her in a short black cropped leather jacket, and her outfit underneath was one continuous asymmetrical dress rather than a crop top and skirt, but for a storm-riddled planet, a long jacket with a hood made a lot more sense, so we gave her a cute cropped shirt underneath instead.

Who was the hardest of the LIs to figure out (personality, design, backstory wise)?
Deli – None of the designs were particularly hard to figure out, but I did struggle a bit with Calderon's. Cal's sprite was the first one I made for A6, so I was a little uncertain about my ability to design a cyberpunk themed wardrobe and I was stressing a lot about making him absolutely perfect lol. But once I got rolling, I was able to make the rest of the LI's sprites pretty easy, and I had the writer's character descriptions to work off of. Though Oppo was difficult because… lizard person.

Nadine/Steph – Vexx was the hardest backstory/personality-wise as he was a culmination of both of our ideas.

For the devs: What would you say is the hardest part about running a game (fandom included) 

Learning everything for the first time, and time management.

When looking for people to work with on projects such as Andromeda 6 what do you all look for?
When we were looking for our artists we would look for art styles that we liked and would fit well with the theme, and also people that we felt comfortable working with and who would be a good fit for the team.


Are there any scrapped LIs/characters?

No, we stuck with our first choices. A6 was originally intended to be an Interactive Fiction, and we were planning male and female versions of the characters. We obviously decided to turn it into a Visual Novel instead.

Will Vexx's option to not forgive make you unable to be friends or is it just a romance that will be shut down? 

It will only eliminate the romance option.

 - Universe -

Was there a native species already on Orion before humans arrived? If so, what were they like?

Yes. We don't have detailed background information for them, but if we ever take the time to come up with details we'll post them on Patreon.

You've briefly mentioned the race on Goldis: what were they like,and are the modern Peg'asi (a.ka. The Traveler) the only family descendants of them/mixed with them?

Same as above, we don't have detailed information. The Peg'asi aren't descended from the native species of Goldis, they're descended from the first Human settlers on the planet.

Who are some of the more interesting Peg'asi in history? 

We only currently have background information of the most current Peg'asi, going back to Fenris' parents King Magnus and Queen Elena, and his brother, Prince Gabriel.

What do other systems think of the events going on in Seleota or of the royal family in particular?
The Royal family had ties with two of the closest Systems. One is happy to see a change of power in Seleota, the other is not.

Are there actual countries within the planets of the System? Or each planet is just composed of huge megalopoles that contain almost the whole population? 

Most planets are divided into sectors, regions or districts. Most of them have a Capital city which is the main hub, however there can also be other smaller cities and towns scattered throughout.

Are there still diplomatic relationships between each planet with ambassadors and such? Or is it useless considering that now every planet has pledge loyalty to the Peg'asi family? 

The Councils on each planet are/were responsible for answering to the Crown Council and the monarch and there would always be a Goldian ambassador on the councils. Other planets may have sent ambassadors to other planets if they were trying to organize trade or broker relations. However, with the rise of the K'Merii, the councils are in complete disarray

Do human members of the crew/the average human in the system have any knowledge of humanity's history on Earth? Has our species knowledge from our home world been lost completely or has any of it survived?

When humans left Earth, they abandoned it, so anyone who may have been left behind was forgotten, and there is no knowledge of the planet after that time.
However, things like traditions, history, folklore, myths and stories etc were still passed down throughout some families, so there is still some small knowledge of that around.

Are Arcnos the Natives of Teranium?

No. Arcnos are native to Arcno

What is the height range & age span for Arcnos? 

Average height is 7ft, and they can live for up to 300 years.

Can Arcnos be blue?

Yes, Arcnos skin can span many colors including blue, green, yellow, brown, and grey.

Do all Arcnos have a lisp with their s? 

No, Oppo has a particularly long tongue which would be considered a birth defect for an Arcnos.

Damon calls Vexx Ariel in the dlc, does that mean Disney exists/survived (since they made her a redhead) and that Damon has watched their films? 

It's more of just a dev joke. Disney doesn't exist in the universe, but stories may have been passed down through the Humans.

What size are the planets? Are they easy to travel on or does it take a lot money like on earth?

Tilaarin is the largest, similar in size to earth. The rest are all varying size, with Cursa being the smallest habitable planet. Travel is affordable enough, but some planets have strict rules on immigration etc.

What was Zovack's/The K'merii's original cause before he decided he couldn't wait for Nerissa to become queen, if it was different?

The K'Merii were originally multiple smaller clans who came together to take control of their base planet, Cursa, and its council. Their intentions weren't entirely bad, they were trying to make a better life for themselves, but they had a reputation for being ruthless and using violence to achieve their goals.

When their leader was killed and Zovack took up leadership, he set his sights on the root of the problem and planned to take the throne.

- Characters -

Does Vexx's first name mean anything other than ”to bring trouble” in Kitalphan? 

His name has no meaning, we simply liked the sound of it.

Does Calderon’s trust issues after Jasper sand Selah affect how he interacts with the crew/traveler? 

Absolutely, they were two incredibly important relationships in his life. He is much more guarded now than he was.

When June gets into his 'hulk mode', will he remember what he does during that time?

Yes, in excruciating detail.

the crew +vexx faced with the "would you save your loved one or someone who can't swim" dilemma. 

Can the loved one swim? If they can then they don't need saving.

Has anyone else in the Andromeda Crew seen June in 'hulk mode'? 

Yes. Cal, Aya and Damon.

Does Cal miss Jasper and Selah? 

No, he's very bitter about those past relationships.

Is Bash's Bionics ever uncomfortable for him to have? 

Nope, they are very comfortable and well made. As well as that, they enhance his natural abilities.

Was Nerissa in love with KY-L3 or vice versa? 

No, they had a very close friendship and respect for each other.

In a purely hypothetical scenario of the Traveler dying (or being thought of as dead), which LI will be the most devastated, and who will be able to move on after some time? 

They would all be equally devasted, and all of them would move on with their lives eventually.

Can you please enlighten me on the topic of Cal and multiplayer? How did THAT happen? I'm dying to know. And did Aya trash his champion? Please say yes. 

Those answers will only be found in future short stories.

Does June call Lizzie by his full name if he gets in trouble? (Which would never happen because Lizzie is a good boy, but you know, hypothetically) 

Yes, but very rarely

What’s your favorite June fun fact?

That he carries full conversations with Lizzie when they're alone.

What Vexx did when Damon is reminding him of “that time when…” (from the Tea Time with Oppo DLC)? 

We don't know, it was simply added in the script for effect.

How Aya managed to get Calderon to go lingerie shopping with her (from the Valentine DLC)? 

Again, it was added into the script for effect, though we're sure that Aya would have threatened him somehow.

What were the side effects (for Damon) and reactions of everyone when he attempted to pluck Ryona’s collection of poisonous flowers?

Most probably a very painful rash, and the others were likely quite amused.

Is the DLC the last time Damon saw Vexx before the coup? 


What exactly is Zovack's opinion of the rest of the Peg'asi family other than Fenris? 

He didn't like any of them, naturally. In his mind the apples didn't fall far from the tree.

Did Nerissa have any good relationships with her other siblings or was it just the traveler and why?

She had either a decent or good relationship with almost all her siblings, besides the twins, who had difficult personalities (Auberon was very aggressive, while Ecko showed no emotions at all). She was very good at finding common ground with someone and using that to form a relationship.

You mentioned that the traveler’s eldest brother was married with two kids; were they killed in the coup too and how old were the kids?

Yes, they were killed. They were very young.

How did Bash learn to draw? Did someone ever teach him or was that something he just picked up himself? 

He took his father's old drawing materials after he died and taught himself.

Does Ryona actually use some of her plants for poison? 

Yes, but mostly for scientific reasons. She doesn't actually intend to harm anyone with them, even if she threatens it sometimes.

What's Alisa's Opinion of Vexx? 

She thinks he's a dumbass, like most people she meets.

How did June meet the crew? 

By accident. The crew was looking for a gunman and June was looking for a job, it was a coincidence the A6 was the crew he ended up joining.

What are the crew's oral hygiene habit like? 

They're all perfectly normal and healthy.

What would've exactly happened with Cal / with Aya if the door did not suddenly open during the end of the Valentine DLC?
They would have come to their senses on their own and suggested they go back to the ship.

Would June get uncomfortable having Lizzie being able to see EVERYTHING that might happen with the Traveler... On a bed...? Would he put something in front of her 'cage'? 

Lizzie doesn't stay in a cage, and he'd stay out of June's room for that.

How Big is Lizzie now compared to Baby Lizzy? 

Lizzie was only a couple of inches big when born. Adult Lizzie is the size shown in the DLC.

Who gave Vexx his necklace? 

The salesman after he paid for it.

Does Bash ever miss being an arena fighter? 

Not really, it was something he did in order to earn money to survive.

How old is Ryona?


Who has the highest kill count?

What was Bash thinking about when he suddenly got sad during the firefly viewing scene in the Valentine's DLC?
His budding feelings for Traveler, and that he felt he didn't deserve to feel that way.

We had an ask about overall romantical experience, but does that mean that besides Ryona and Calderon the rest only had casual flings? If not then who had a serious relationship before?

Only Cal and Ryona have had serious relationships, yes.

Also applying chekhov's gun,,,,,Will the A6 ever have to deal with space pirates?
Not in the game. But if they ever came across them, they are more than capable of dealing with them.

Does Damon ever genuinely regret joining the A6?

Genuinely, no. Fleetingly, yes.

Seeing as they’re pretty good friends...what are Damon’s and Vexx’s favourite things about each other? 

Damon likes how easy it is to push Vexx around, and Vexx likes how Damon always has his back. Vexx ended up stuck with Damon in their K'Merii days and couldn't keep Damon from growing on him. Like a tumor, but a benign one.

What is the most dangerous mission the crew has ever been on and why? 

The one they picked Traveler up during, they took a lot of risks that day.

How did Vexx become so adept with a gun/fighting?
He started training with the K'Merii at a young age.

Who among the crew cries at sad movies/who doesn't?


Aya, Bash, Vexx


Doesn't cry

Cal, Damon, June, Ryona

Why does June feel indifferent about the festival of Valen? 

Because he's not in love at the time the events of the DLC take place, and he doesn't believe love requires a date to be celebrated.

How would the crew handle a mc that is big on hugs/cuddles etc.? 

Depends if MC is on their route or not. If on their route, they'd all be open to it. If not, then there might be some of them *cof*CalandRyona*cof* who aren't big on reciprocating.

For each character, is there a variance in how much they know of June’s situation? (Do some know more than others and by how much?)

The whole crew knows about June's situation. Some have a deeper understanding of what happened with his body and the consequences, but they all know about it.

For those of using The Sims 4 to quench the A6 thirst before the next chapter drops, what would the crew's (and Oppo's) traits be? 

Aya – Outgoing, Self-assured, Dance Machine

Bash – Cheerful, Foodie, Outgoing

Calderon – Hot-headed, Active, Neat

Damon – Self-assured, Noncommittal, Book Worm

June – Gloomy, Loner, Family-oriented

Ryona – Genius, Perfectionist, Loves Outdoors

Vexx – Romantic, Goofball, Erratic

Oppo – Cheerful, Ambitious, Paranoid

Also, how did you decide on color schemes for the characters; is there any symbology behind them?

The color schemes were either inspired by the characters home planets or an aspect of their personality.

Ayame/Purple – Bright, playful color for a Kit.

Bash/Orange – Inspired by the sands of Teranium and his cheerful personality.

Calderon/Yellow – "Golden boy"/Goldis

Damon – Assassin, hides in shadows/Cursa is dark and stormy.

June – Orion green forest planet/ his link to orionite

Ryona – peaceful, healing blue/ silver-blue spires of Tilaarin

Vexx/Red – Anger, bright Kitalphan color

What would the LI's do if they knew they could not fail?

Aya – Join a space race with the meanest space pirates out there.
Bash – Enter in the most prestigious mecha arena fight.
Calderon – Go home.
Damon – Fix things on Cursa.
June – Sleep.
Ryona – Help people.
Vexx – Get his shit together.

How would you rate everyone on the affectionate scale (hand holding, touchy-feely, etc.)?

Least to most
Ryona, Cal, June, Damon, Vexx, Aya, Bash

How does the crew like their coffee/tea?

Aya – tea – lots of sugar, a sprinkle of tea in her sugar

Bash – coffee – any way. He could go from drinking a double espresso to a caramel soy macchiato with whipped cream

Cal – coffee – dash of milk, no sugar

Damon – tea – any tea, preferably with no sugar

June – coffee - black

Ryona – tea – herbal teas, usually homemade
Vexx – coffee – asks for warm milk, not hot (gotta drink it quick)

Is there anything in particular that the Traveler can do that would completely melt the LI hearts or make them feel soft? 

Aya – take her seriously
Bash – cook for him
Calderon – listen to him
Damon – nap with him
June – accept him
Ryona – stroke her hair
Vexx – forgive him

What are the ROs favourite aspect of being part of the A6 (sans Vexx for obvious reasons) 

Aya – feeling like she is part of a family
Bash – stability and a place to call home
Calderon – watching his crew grow into the best versions of themselves
Damon – the laughs he gets from his friends helps him dull the constant numbness he feels
June – helping people, even as a mercenary; it makes him feel less like a monster
Ryona – having a support system when she's feeling fragile

What dnd classes would the crew play if they ran a game?

(We're not familiar with dnd classes, so these are what seem most accurate to us)

Aya - Bard
Bash – Fighter
Calderon – Barbarian
Damon - Rogue
June – Blood Hunter
Ryona – Monk
Vexx – Ranger

 - Spoilers -

Are June’s parents still alive? 

His mother is.

Does Wren know any of the crew personally or are they going to be new to the entire crew

Wren knows two members of the crew personally (Vexx and Damon) and knows the names of two others (Cal and Bash).

Vexx and Damon through their work for Zovack, Cal through him being framed for the murder of Uncle Auberon, and Bash for his notoriety in the Nos Vega arenas. 


- NSFW -

Would Cal be receptive to being the submissive side for once, notwithstanding his 'loudness' during specific acts? Thanks!
Yes, for the right person.

We know what makes the LIs experience the most pleasure in bed. But how about turn offs?
Aya – Unattractive underwear
Bash – Only giving and never receiving
Calderon – Being bossed around
Damon – When people are silent or motionless during sex
June – Having sex like you're making a porn flick
Ryona – Food in bed
Vexx – Not having your undivided attention

The Traveler walks in on the LIs masturbating. Their reaction?

Aya – Wouldn't even bat an eye and carry on unbothered.
Bash – Would make a joke about it, wouldn't really be embarrassed.
Calderon – Would yell at them to get out.
Damon – would never get caught, but wouldn't be opposed to Traveler joining him.
June – Would get awkward at first, but moves on quickly.
Ryona – Would never get caught in the first place.
Vexx – Would laugh and tell them to hurry up and leave unless they wanna watch.



Knew it before, but it's always nice to be sure that we won't have any Nitro+Chiral-esque 'bad' (rapey and traumatizing) endings :)

Honovi Derringer

I find it very interesting that Vexx is more touchy-feely than June, along with the cries during sad parts. I always see June as such a softie, but I guess the real softies are Vexx, Aya, and Bash. XD Also, I expected June to be higher on the touchy list because of the scenes in The Arc and when he tells you about his backstory. Even not romancing him, I hugged him after he talks about it. Hm... makes me wonder if we'll get to hug Vexx soonish. :D

Kelsey Erickson

June's mother is still alive huh? *kill bill sirens*