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What kind of training would you like to see Traveler receive from the crew?



All three sound awesome but knives/close combat makes the most sense with the story? There have already been some tough choices and intense scenes involving knives, it makes sense the Traveler might want to become better with them.


Rooty-tooty Point-and-Shooty time >:3


Y'all talking about Damon and his knives, but I just can't forget June being our teacher and our """Punishment"""...


*brain short-circuits* Everything? Like, I'd like to try everything at least once, even if it makes the most sense to have training with firearms, what's with the Traveler not really built for any close-combat action.


I do thoroughly enjoy ALL of these options but Damon and Aya are just :^)

Emily M

...all of the above??


the core idea in theatre is that you show a knife at one point during the representation, you get to use that knife. so yah, give me the close combat and the adrenaline you made me like this damon no chickening out now


ALL god dammit! But mostly Damon, Cal and Vexx 🙈

Honovi Derringer

All? :D Guess I'll go with my second choice.

Domi Mooser

It's always gonna be Damon for me.


Any/or all, especially if Vexx drops in.


I just want to get close and personal with my boi bash lol