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Hey everyone!

As the month is ending, we know you are already expecting us to release the Special Tiers again, but we are changing things around this time.

On the 1st, we will make two posts with Commission List (short stories and sketch), with a set number of slots available for you to take, and it will work in a 'first in, first serve' fashion - comments will be open until the slots are full, so you will need to comment something like 'I want it!', instead of changing your tier.

The price for these will be the same ($20 and $25), and we will be contacting each of you for the details (as we already do) and payment, which will now be done via Paypal.

And 'why the change?', you ask. Well, that is because we will be releasing new tiers for you! You will now have the chance to become a Royal Guard and an Heir!

The prices will be $35 and $50 respectively, and the rewards are as follows:

Royal Guard: Previous tiers + Sneak peek of game build (in video) + Exclusive licensed ceramic mug mailed out after 3 consecutive months on this tier (sporting the A6 logo on it)

Heir: Previous tiers (except for the Mug) + Your name on the credits + Early beta access of new Episodes when available + Exclusive Licensed 12"x18" matte finish poster mailed out after 3 consecutive months on this tier (sporting all 7 LIs on it)

And that's not all! The Mercenary tier is being revamped.

For the Mercenary tier, which will now cost $25, you will get access to all previous tiers and in depth BTS progress on the game development, including choices, chunks of script, important moments and our plans for the game.

We hope you all enjoy the new tiers, we are certainly very excited to start sharing what we have for those tiers! 

Hope you are all safe and well,

-A6 Dev Team :)



So I'm a bit confused-does that mean that you have to be a Patron (at some level) to be able to get one of the commissions? Or does the Patreon blog/comment function allow people who aren't current patrons to comment on posts? I admit I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea of having to pledge for a tier in order to have a chance of getting a specific perk and have you considered what you would do if two comments come in extremely close together (so that the second commenter can't have been able to see the first)? Also I'm confused about how content access will work. Like if we're only paying for the commission through PayPal and are either on a lower tier or not otherwise a Patron (depending on how that's going to work) how will we be able to see tiered content?


Hello! The commissions are completely separate to Patreon. We are using it as the official platform, but the Commission Slots' posts and comments will be open to non-patrons as well. As for the timing of the comments, unfortunately we can't have control over it, whoever comments first will get it and we will use the timestamp on each to validate it. For the contents, you can't see it if you're just getting the commission as a non-patron, or if you're from a lower tier - Commissions and Patreon content will be two completely separate things! Hope this cleared your doubts, but feel free to let us know if you have any more questions :)

Arwa A.

Is the new tiers exclusive to a certain places or is it worldwide ? ,,,,, for the physical rewards i mean


Hi! Will the posts be located on tumblr?


I take it this is an exclusive and won't be in the store? The poster will use original art (not from the game or sprites?)? I understand that the number of people is not limited to 35 and 50 dollars? And I understand that $ 35 and $ 50 can be purchased here or via PayPal, not just PayPal? Sorry for the questions.


Thank you!


Yes, this is an exclusive merch. The art is not final yet, we are finishing the design and will be sharing it as soon as it's done with you all :) and it will change every 3 months as well, so nobody would get the same merch twice. Unlimited slots for the merch tiers! But these must be subscribed through Patreon, the only thing via PayPal are the short stories/sketches that we had as a reward on the previous Special Tiers.


What if you don't have a PayPal account?


Hey Emma! We ask that if you don't, please create an account - it is totally free and payments on it work with credit cards just like Patreon, so it should be no issue! It's the best payment method for this new way of commissions we're setting up and it allows us to keep better track of everyone and avoid any issues with double charges on Patreon or unwanted changes on your tier.