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Thank you all for taking part in it! Please see all answers below, and we can't wait for the next time :)


1. What would the Captain consider an exceptional celebratory indulgence (and go through with it) - - I.e. breakfast in bed? A workout session where he coaches the Traveler into shape?

Just being left alone. He’d love being able to sit on top of the ship and have a drink or two while taking in the view whenever they’re on a planet.

2. What are the Captain's thoughts on his crewmates?

He respects all of them, some of them get on his nerves more than others (the terrible trio, we're looking at you), but he'd take a bullet for any of them.

3. A certain stowaway, who wishes to remain anonymous, but might or might not have a preference for grapes, wishes to respectfully inquire what it would take to enjoy being the one kneeling for once. (PS: Training session later?)

That will never happen.

4. Does Captain know how pretty his eyes are?

He's been told once or twice… or a few times.

5. What is something that our dear Captain would only tell those he trusts completely (which would include us of course)? 

How he truly feels, his fears, insecurities, and opinions.

6. What exactly are the Captain's stats? Like, what are his defining traits and skillsets? Or what would he say they are?

He is a military man, through and through. He's had training with various weapons, hand to hand combat, infiltration, piloting aircraft. And his personality reflects as much.

7. What are the favorite books of our Captain?

Geography books, he enjoys studying maps.

8. Why did his Cal’s last relationship end badly?

They ended up with completely different views on what the world should be, and as a result Cal was betrayed by both his girlfriend and best friend, which was the beginning of everything going downhill for him.

9. Is there an ideal place he could go for his birthday? A beach, a fancy hotel, etc?

If he could go anywhere, it would be to some of his favorite places back on Goldis. But unfortunately, that's not an option.

10. How do you feel about the other’s reactions to Travelers true identity (more specifically June’s)?

He obviously doesn't agree with Damon's tactics, despite seeing the logic in it. But Traveler is part of his crew now, they've gained their official place, so therefore are under his protection.

He understands June’s reaction but worries about the effects it'll have on an already fragile Traveler. He thinks the best thing is for those two to spend time apart until they can come to terms with their own pain and situations and move forward.

11. What was it like being held for ransom? Did anything in particular stand out?

It was certainly an inconvenience, Cal had gone to Teranium to have fun. He never really felt like his life was in danger, he almost pitied the gang he was with and how they had to live their lives, and his parents had the money to bail him out of it, but the longer time dragged on the more unsettled he became. It was partly this that pushed him towards joining the Guard and wanting to do more with his life.

12. What are some of your guilty pleasures?

Hard liquor and petit gateau.

13. Can you tell us anything about your moms?

His moms’ names are Fleur and Ji'nee. Fleur is human, and Ji'nee is part Tilaari.

14. What's your favorite kind of dessert?

He’d rather not have any, but if he absolutely must he’ll settle for petit gateau.

15. Can I have a pet kitten for my present? Actual cat-kitten, not a tiger-kitten. 

No pets.

16. Did Calderon ever meet Vexx or know of him since they were both military?

He didn’t know Vexx.

17. As its esteemed captain, can you tell us about how long you've had the Andromeda Six? Maybe how you got it, and do you have someone that just... makes the uniforms/logos for you and the crew?

A little over two years, he and Aya escaped Goldis with a Guard ship and traded it on Teranium for the A6. And he gets the uniforms through Oppo who... knows a guy.

18. What sort of decorations do you like, if any?

Decorations? What? Preposterous.

19. Would you like a gift from the Traveler and may they see your quarters some time?

He doesn't want any gifts, and they'll only see his quarters if they're on his route.

20. You’ve been betrayed by a loved one, so was it your ex? What did they do?

He was betrayed by his girlfriend Selah and best friend, Jasper. They sold him out.

21. Is there maybe an action or gesture that someone you're interested in can do for you that you'd find to be romantic or sweet? 

Being helpful without getting in the way, taking initiative to solve a problem.

22. Is drinking with the traveler or the crew to relax and have fun an idea that appeals to you? (Though I wonder how you feel about dealing with tipsy/drunk friends...)

Yes, that's an idea that appeals to him. He'd just get drunk with them and make Ryona and June deal with it as it usually happens.


Amadeus Maverick

Oh shit my joke about jasper and his gf was p close WHOOPS


So it's really going to be like that, huh? Fine, we can just put cat ears and a tail on him and call it even. Can even throw in some butt scratches for good measure.


Damn, the devs are absolutely merciless in crushing my dreams, aren't they? XD


My questions got answered! Yay! :D