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The royal children have been a mysterious topic of conversation for a lot of players, and so we're giving you a sneak peek into the world of the Peg'asi family!

Below you'll find a list of the royal children in order of birth, including their names, mother, gender and age. 

1. Nerissa (Lucrezia)(F)(32) 

2 & 3. Auberon & Ecko (M&M)(Lucrezia)(Twins)(30) 

4. Elettra (Nikolle)(F)(29) 

5. Noa (Lucrezia)(M)(26) 

6. Sorenn (Nikolle)(M)(26) 

7. Tavaris (Ta'jean)(M)(24) 

8. Celest (Lucrezia)(F)(23) 

9. Ven'dela (Ta'jean)(F)(22) 

10. Arlo (Nikolle)(M)(22) 

11. Traveler

I hope that sheds some more light on the topic! Keep a look out for more information on these characters in the future.


Arwa A.

Does that mean all travelers are 21 or below ? ................. other than that it’s actually so cool to get to know the family 😆


This is so awesome !!! 💕💕


Why are they all only male or female? That makes me sad. Please do more for the representation of nonbinary peeps like me.


you don't say. but none of the 10 royal siblings is. that's not cool. i am def not satisfied with a single side char being nonbinary. and a non-human-looking at that. that's the trope: "oh, we will give you one (1!) enby char but they're clearly an alien and not human-looking at all bc we don't actually think non-binary peeps are human"


Wow, are you seriously accusing these devs of thinking nonbinary people are less than human? Stop that. We are only 2 chapters into a 10 chapter saga, and further more Oppo is far more significant plot wise and has a planned DLC, while the rest of the royals are just abstract names. Honestly in your reply to me you come across as whiney and demanding.


i'm absolutely demanding. the bare minimum, that is.


Hello! Thank you for your opinions, we absolutely take all feedback into account. The siblings have been listed here in this post as the gender they were identified as at birth. There’s nothing to say that they didn’t choose to identify as non-binary in later life. Traveler is also on the list, and all players have the option for their Traveler to be non-binary. We are only 2 episodes into the story, and there are plenty of characters that you haven’t had a chance to meet yet, so please hold off on making too many judgments as we try our best to be inclusive of everyone and always have that in mind when developing characters and writing the story.


How about just use some tact. "Please include more human non binary people." The dramatics and hissy fit was immature.


I think you guys do a great job and would hate to see you lose your spirit over one individual. There's nobody beyond criticism (and always room for improvement), but you guys do a fantastic job and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. Stay your course. There are so many people here that want to support what YOU guys do.


oh wow. "Choose to identify"? that's not how gender works. nobody chooses their gender. also: sex is not what matters in character creation (unless we're talking about intersex people) but gender is. it doesn't make sense to declare the assigned genders.


oh, not done yet. of course there will still be more characters. yet, nobody other than oppo (who's not a main char OR if they are, they fall under the non-binary-alien-trope) is non-binary CANONICALLY. also: i am non-binary and instead of dismissing criticism you should listen, especially from marginalized people. it makes me angry how people tone-police or don't listen.

Lola Blake

I love how the travelers mother can change I’m assuming based on the species you chose.

Libra Frills

Ahh im glad this matches with a lot of headcanons I was having. Interesting to see the king basically had a harem LOL these poor kids